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I woke up to the sun beaming on my face.Wait what?WHERE IM I?????I started panicking and moving around.I stopped when someone grabbed my foot.I wanting to scearm but I can't.UGH.

I slowly look back to see













Taehyung-Yah,Why are you up so early?

I let out a big sigh knowing its my brothers apartment.

I made breakfast and after we ate I went off to work.Of course there were some touchy people thinking they could do whatever to the maids.ugh,So annyoing.


It's been one week of getting bullied,Working,etc.But one thing that changed is jungkook stopped bulling me!HELL YASS!

Today is Sunday and my dad is getting out of the hospital.I also visit my moms grave everyday:3Im such a good daughter.

Me and Taehyung picked up my father and drove to my house.When we got home I made my dads favorite dish.Once I was done making it we ate.I went up staires and took a shower,changed into my pj's and did my homework.

I then went to sleep.


I was sleeping peacefully when someone barged into my room.


I sat up and looked at the person.Dad?I looked at him in disbelieve.He went closer to me and pulled my hair and dragged me by the hair to the washroom.


What is up with him?I did my daily routine and ran outside.while I was running I got a little dizzy but that did not stop me.

I was at my locker and someone Started pulling my hair.I looked to see Hana and her gang.They started doing all sorts of stuff.Poeple were laughing their butts off while I try to hold in my tears.Dont cry,dont cry,don't cry,don't cry I repeated in my head.The bell rang and everyone headed to class.I was a mess so I headed to the washroom and cleaned my self as quick as possible.

I made it to the classroom and the teacher was about to say something but I walked pass her desk and sat down at mine.

It's lunch time now and I was eating alone at the rooftop.the roof is the only place I feel....happy....

While I was eating I kept thinking about why my dad was so angry.


I was walking to my house and when I was at the front door I heard.....Moaning?I opened the door to see my dad having 'it' with another women.I was frozen.The women staired put in her clothes while my dad does it as well.

I could feel tears rolling down my cheeck,As the women left my dad walked closer to me and punched me in the face.


He said while kicking me to the ground and pulling me up by my hair.He started kicking,pulling,punching and stuff.He took my glasses and crushed them into pieces.He than took a wine bottle and smashed it on my head.

My dad glared at me and walked up staires.He stopped and said

"Keep up the mess up made you slut"

And kept on walking.I thought I was gonna black out when he hit me with a wine bottle but I managed to keep my eyes open.While I was cleaning,my vision was very blurry.To be honest I don't really need glasses.Its only for reading and stuff but I wear them to hide my ture self.

I was done cleaning the mess which shocked me cause I could not see like at all.I touched my head to check if it was bleeding.The blood was dried.I crawled up the staires and into my bathroom.I cleaned my self with the little amount of energy I have.

It was like someone stabbing me when I was cleaning my wounds.After hours of cleaning my self I went to my room and changed my clothes.I went to my bed and went to bed right away.I can't believe I managed to clean the mess that 'I' made and clean my self.


The next Morning Taeyeon woke up to the sound of her alarm.She was about to get up but her head hurt like crazy.She tried her best to ignore the pain.She did her routine and pulled out a new uniform because her other one is covered in blood and has tiny pieces of glass in it and instead of wearing glasses she wore contacts even though she does not want to she has no choice because her glasses broke.She changed her bandages and hope that no one will question about her head being wrapped.She also wore a black mask to cover the bruise on her mouth.

She went down staires and made a peice of toast.she put it in her mouth and was about to open the door when she heard


She quickly opened the door and ran to school even though her body hurt like hell and she was very dizzy.She would somethings run in zig zag or towards the road because of the dizziness.

She made it to school and people were staring at her.

"Who is she?Is she Taeyeon?

"I don't think so but that girl is very very pretty"

"EW,why does she have a bandage on her head"

"Why is she wearing a mask in school?wiredo"

"Who in the world is that girl?SHE IS HOTTT!!"

She was at her locker getting her textbooks.She was walking to her class like a zombie.Taeyeon felt like she will black out anytime soon.


All of the students in the hallway looked towards Taeyeon,she had blacked out.

"Omg,why is she in the floor?"

"Did she faint?"

"Call the nurse!"

"Hell no,let her be,I'm pretty sure it's Taeyeon"

hello!I hope you like this chapter!Do you guys want taeyeon to get a friend or do you want her to be lonley?Anyways bye!

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