Is This A Test?

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Your POV-

I admit, finding out Tord was the Red Leader wasn't really a shock. He did hide it really well, I just wish he would have told me instead of me actually having to figure things out. Yeah it may come as a shock but I'm a decently good hacker, that's how I figured everything out. Although, it's all over the news House Explodes Due To Red Leader, Red Leader Blows House And Takes Girl Hostage. None of those are true, I blew up my house and I am NOT a hostage.

"Boss, we need to leave soon..." Paul said.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Your sure you want this (Y/N) ?"

"If I didn't want this, I would turned you in. Just saying." I said. It was true though. I've done it before, and I sure as hell would do it again. My last boyfriend had killed a lot of people. Yeah so had Tord but he hasn't threatened me or my family yet... Except Tom of course.

I forgot about Tom... I hope he's alright, I don't know what I'd do if he got hurt. "Do you think Toms alright?"

"Why are you worried? He did this..."

"FOR GODS SAKE DONT TALK ABOUT MY FAMILY THAT WAY!" I yell throwing a knife, cutting his ear. "Tord... I-I didn't..."

He sighs. "No, my fault. Shouldn't have brought it up again. Sorry." He says angrily. Obviously forcing a smile. He's pissed, he fake apologized, and I hate when people do that.

"Boss..." Patrick says checking Tords ear.

"DONT TOUCH ME!" Tord yells hitting Patrick across the face.

"Don't hit them like that! There not your property Tord!"

"How would you know? This is my army not yours! I can do what ever I want to them."

"Tord I swear to god, if you dare touch them like that again, I will hurt you worse that a cut on the ear." You say angrily.

"I dare you."

"Don't start Tord."

"Come on! Do it!"

"Tord stop." You fist clenching.

"Come on! Your to weak anyway." He chuckles.

"Tord. Stop. Now."  Teeth clenching.

"You wouldn't dare hurt me would you? Ha. See this is why Toms hu-"

"STOP!" You throw another knife, hitting his shoulder. "STOP, STOP, STOP!" Your yelling.
"If you bring Tom up, ever again, I will not only throw a knife, but I will shoot you. I will shoot you until your begging for me to stop. But I won't. You will be bleeding on the ground until you die. Understood Tord?"

"Your a perfect fit for this job (Y/N)"

"Wait what?"

"Your strong, smart, and have a bit of evil in you. You do realize that right? Your not afraid to hurt others, even your friends. Plus you-" he cut himself off. I knew what he was going to say though. 'Plus you even hurt Tom.'

"(Y/N) you even hurt me." Tord says. He pulled the knife out. Paul came rushing over and bandaged the wound. He's gaining. God he's grinning.

"So that was all a test?!" I yell.


"Screw it. Don't ever, EVER, do that again. I don't know why I'm still helping you."

"Boss. They're here." Patrick warns.

There's a blast at the end of the tunnel. "Tord Larsson, let the girl go and nothing has to happen."

"Tord I have what I need let's go." You whisper.

"Paul, Patrick? You remember these tunnels correct?"

"Yes Sir!" They said in unison.

"Well, you know what to do."

Seriously these cops suck. Paul and Patrick began to fire. Tord grabbed me and ran. "You guys know where to meet me!" Tord yelled. He's hot when he's running. Wait, did I really just think that? I'm so pissed at him, but I love him at the same time...? I'm confused, but I know what this is. I can't feel this way again. The last time I let somebody in, they used everything against me. I don't know if I can go this again. God I'm blushing now. Ahh stop blushing! WHY IS IT GETTING WORSE!

"Are you okay (Y/N)?" Oh we're at the exit...

"Yeah, sorry. Just a lot to process..."

"I feel that. Anyway c'mon. We gatta get going.

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