The call

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A/N- so apparently I unknowingly was copying another book so I decided to kinda fix this chapter to make it my own... Sorry bout that!

You wake up to the warm summer air blowing through your window. You, like your brother and his friends, put on a (F/C) hoodie and sat on the couch. You hear a car pull up to Edds house just across the street and decide to see who it is.

It must be one of Edds friends, though he never mentioned him. He had spiky hair, kinda like Toms but like horns instead. You open the window to hear his voice, even though you won't hear any of the words, you still want to hear his voice.

"TORD!" Edd yells practically throwing him to the ground. You see Tom at the door, his face looked like he was rolling his eyes, even though he didn't have any. The man spoke with a heavy Norwigen accent. Honestly you thought it was pretty hot...

You decided to meet this stranger known as Tord. You walk across the street to realize this man has a fascination with the color red. Though you dismissed it as just a fascination, nothing more. You open the door to a gun pointed at your head.

"TORD NO!" Edd, Matt, and Tom yell.

"Let me guess, Toms sister?"

"Gee what gave that away? The fact that I have no eyes too? Good detective skills." You say.

He puts the gun away as Tom lands a punch on his cheek. "Don't you ever touch her again."

"I didn't touch her, rather I threatened her. But this-" he says grabbing your hand. "This is touching."

You start to blush, and realize you haven't introduced yourself. You pull away from his hand and state your name.

"(Y/N), I like it. The names Tord, Tord Larsson. Want to go to the arcade?"


"Not as a date, rather a... Getting to know you better type thing."

"That's exactly what a date is..."

"Well you want to go?"

"I've got nothing bett-"

"NO! NO NO NO!" Toms yells. "You are not going on a date with that Commie!"

"Tom you're my brother, not my father." You say as you go home.

"What time should I pick you up?"

"Just give me a minute, I've gatta grab something."

"So see you in 20?"


The only thing you needed was a pistol in case something went wrong. You hear a knock I your door and you run over.

"To-" suddenly out of no where Tom tackles Tord to the ground.

"Jesus Christ Tom what the hell?!"

"He has a gun! I-"

"Tom I know that I'm not stupid. It's in his pocket."

"How did you know that...?" Tord questions.

"Because if you're anything like me, you'll cary a gun anywhere." You reply.

Soon both of you were on you're way to the arcade. Both of you, having your thing for guns, stated off playing the shooting games. Tord had gotten a call on his phone and left for the bathroom. You being the sneaky ninja you are decided to listen into the conversation.

"No Paul! It's not... Ugh! When I get back you're dead. Understood? No the cover isn't blown! Jesus stop acting like my mother! Yeah yeah I get it you're the assistant, trying to keep me in check... I've gatta go. I've been gone to long."

You run back to the game you were playing before.

"Sorry bout that! Friend needed some advice on how to get a girls number..."

"Aha. It's getting late... We should probably head back before Tom kills you.."

"Him? I'm not worried so much about him..."

You arrive home safe and sound and pull your phone out of your pocket. Tom being the over protective type had called you a bunch, voice mail after voicemail. All asking what happened. You call back and explain every detail except the phone call.

Somethings up with this guy, yet you can't put your finger on it just yet.

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