Scott one shot (requested by malvina251103)

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Based on season 5A
I hope you like it and I'm really sorry for being so late☺
In this one just imagine that it's you that killed Donovan, not Stiles.

No one's POV

Lately, things haven't been going so well for the pack. Everyone's going through a very tough period facing their own demons. But you were going through the worst compared to the pack, even you were the only human along with stiles. You had done something so bad, that you couldn't even look at yourself in the mirror. You felt horrible lying to your friends. You couldn't stop thinking about that horrible night that changed everything. That changed you.

That night you had done the thing you were most afraid of.
You had killed someone. And that someone was Donovan.

You tried to convince yourself that what you did was self-defense, that you never meant to hurt him. But deep down, you felt satisfaction, because of all the cruel things he said about you and your parents, about how you were an abomination and that it was the reason they gave you up for adoption. However, that satisfaction you felt was exactly what made you think of yourself as a monster. And that is why you decided to never tell anyone about it.
You were afraid that your friends would think of you as a monster that kills people, not as their innocent human friend. But most importantly, you were afraid of losing Stiles and Scott. Stiles was like the brother you never had and he was always by your side. Scott, however, wasn't just your friend. Lately you had both figured out the feelings you had for each other, but you were never anything official because of all the drama around the both of you. They are the most important people of your life and if you lost them, you would be utterly broken.

Malvina's POV

Scott texted me saying that he had something important to talk to me about. I texted back letting him know I'd be there soon. I sat up from the couch, got my keys and headed to my car.

A few minutes later I arrived at the clinic and I saw Scott waiting outside.
" Hey Scott! Sorry I'm late, but I'm having problems with my car again. That thing is barely hanging on." Scott didn't say anything . "Hey have you talked to Lydia and Malia? Because I couldn't get in touch with them at all today." He still hadn't said anything so I turned around only to regret doing so.
He was holding the weapon I killed Donovan with that night.
"Where did you get that Scott?"
"This is yours?" I couldn't answer. This was the moment I've been afraid of. Him finding out what I've done.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I was going to."
"Why didn't you tell me the moment it happened?"
"I couldn't, Scott."
He paused for a second looking at me with a pained expression.
"You killed him? You killed Donovan?"
"What was I supposed to do Scott, let him kill me?!"
"You weren't supposed to do this Malvina. None of us are."
"You think I would've killed him if I had a choice?"
"There's always a choice"
"Yeah well, I can't do what you can Scott. I know you wouldn't have done it. You probably would've just figured something out right?"
"I'd try."
"Yeah, because you're Scott McCall! You're the true alpha! Well, guess what. Not all of can be true alphas.
Some of us have to make mistakes.
Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes.
Some of us are HUMAN!"
"So you had to kill him?"
"What part of he was trying to kill me don't you understand?!"
"But the way that it happened, there's a pont where it's- it's not self-defense anymore".
I couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth. He didn't believe me. Not at all. His best friend and maybe , maybe a bit more than that.
"You don't even believe me, do you Scott?"
"I want to"
"You might, but you don't. And it hurts. It hurts Scott. Way more than you could possibly think." By that point I was crying while he tried to hold back his own tears.
"Knowing that I took someone's life even if they tried to kill me is the worst thing I've ever felt in my entire life. But of course you wouldn't understand. You only see things from your perspective Scott not mine. And then you say you want to believe me." You almost whispered the last part because it literally hurt to speak. After that, you turned away and walked back to your car. But before you got in, you looked at him and said " You know, the real reason I never told you was because I knew what your reaction would be. And I was afraid of it. I was afraid of you seeing me like this. I was afraid of that exact same look you're giving me right now... But most importantly, I was afraid of losing you because I love you! There, I said it. But it don't think it matters now does it? "You chuckled and cried at the same time.
"It's too late." With that you got on your car and left.

No one's POV

After everything you'd said to him he couldn't think straight. He couldn't believe you had done something so bad. But then he realized you were right. Apart from Stiles you're the only human in the pack, you were weak and defenseless compared to the others. However, that wasn't the only thing he realized. He realized that he had lost his best friend since kindergarten, the one that would stand beside him through everything.
Most importantly, he realized that he loved you too.
But it was too late.

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