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( Kiku's point of view)

     I ran as fast as my legs could allow me, brushing past crowds of strangers to loose sight of the other Japanese male. It was rude of me to just escape from him like that, very rude. Also hypocritical, teaching him about love was bound to make him fall in love with me by the end, why didn't I take notice of that?

     As much as I avoided it, my eyes became watery as tears were forming. Before I knew it, the sky was being covered in clouds, a few drops of rain already falling.

"I'm so sorry Kuro-san..." I muttered under my breath, it might actually sadden him even more once he knows that...My heart belongs to someone else.

( Kuro's point of view)

     I wrapped my arms around my knees as they reached my chest. Sabishi was beside me, whimpering and cuddling her head against my legs. Too bad pup, I'm not really sad, just...confused. I pulled back from the knees to bring a hand up to my chest. Why is it aching like that? Why are there salty tears running down my cheeks? Why do I feel broken inside? Maybe I am indeed sad, but it's much worse than that.

"Aww, that silly Kiku didn't teach you how awful love can be, too. He broke your heart, shorty" A familiar Italian voice was heard, in a mocking way too. Unfortunately, it's real this time, I pinched myself as a reality check.

"Hmph..." I scowled and looked away, Sabishi whimpered and jumped onto me for safety.

"It's what happens when the other person plays with your feelings, if you have any, and then breaks that illusion you had right in front of your very eyes. Haha, how could you fall for that?"

     Luciano then stroked his knife up my cheek to collect one of my tears and stared at it. He grinned cunningly.

"Wow Kuro, you're actually crying?" He laughed. "I've never seen you cry, and for a ridiculous reason too!" he mocked my confused feelings.

     I didn't try to clean the rest of the tears, it won't change anything. Lutz appeared as well, he was like Luciano's very own lost puppy.

"Why are you here?" I scoffed out, there must be a valid reason for him to come all the way from Feliciano's mirror, along with Lutz coming from Ludwig's.

"Return to the Axis"


"Heh, I had a feeling you would say that"

     Luciano snapped his fingers at the other German, who huffed and nodded, then pulled out some chains. I scowled and glared at him, they won't make me go back. Which is why I jumped up, with Sabishi in hand, and stormed off from the Cherry Blossom parks. I need to get to Kiku's house, my katana's there.

     I thought I was actually running away from their sight, but when a knife or two were thrown at my back, it proved me wrong. I grunted and tried to remove those daggers, which slowed me down. Luciano and Lutz were gaining on us. As I continued running away, more knives were being thrown. It made Sabishi lower her ears at my groans, and before I knew it, she escaped from my grasp and charged directly at the evil Italian.

     I gasped and looked back, the small pup was now biting into Luciano as a brave attempt to slow both him and Lutz down. It was an honor to have you as a pet for a couple hours, Sabishi, your sacrifice won't be made in vein.

     Thanks to Sabishi, I made it to Kiku's home without any more knives being thrown. But as I rushed into the Japanese style house, my eyes narrowed, along with an intense scowl by what was in front of me.


"Aiyaa! Who is--" he gasped. "Another Kiku aru?!"

     My hands clenched into fists, but there's something else that has to be taken care of first. I rushed to get my blade, but it made Kiku believe that it was to attack Yao as a natter of jealousy, so he immediately got his sword as well. 

"Kuro-san, don't you even think about it."

"It's not what you think it is!"

"I won't let you hurt Yao!"

"Get out of my way!!!" I shouted at the one who let me stay in his roof, who cooked me meals, who taught me how to be a more honorable man.

     Kiku clenched his teeth and parried at my katana, Yao just stepped back, trying to process what was just happening. I tried pushing him back, there's no time for a duel, so I kicked him on his stomach. Which made Kiku gasp for breath on the floor.

     I was about to head out the door, but someone else slashed a blade at my skin successfully. It made an open wound on my lower back. I grunted and glanced back to see Yao with Kiku's katana.

"I don't know who you are, but you hurt Kiku aru! You won't get away with it aru!"

"It's Kuro, and stay away."

     Despite my warning, the Chinese male still charged at me with full force, making me have to defend myself from any other swing from his blade. The wound on my lower back stings like rubbing hand sanitizer on hands with paper-cuts. It slightly weakened my position, making Yao have an advantage here.

Now, everyone is against me.

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