The Next Lesson

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(Kuro's POV )

     By the time next morning came to be, my unconscious body didn't wake up on the porch, the spot where I slept, instead it was by a comfortable futon. I swore it was the work of witchcraft, until the other Japanese male came in with what smelled like breakfast. Aha! He did it, he moved my sleeping body to a bed. It was right on the tip of my nose.

     "Good morning, Kuro-san" he said, setting up the breakfast-in-bed like the polite host he is. "Morning" I muffled, politeness is in me as well. Then his dog, Pochi, began to growl when Kiku was close to me. "Oh, Pochi, stop growling." he picked the growling dog up and left.

     I went to the living room after having breakfast, it was alright. But then Kiku came out of his own bedroom dressed up like he was about to go out. "Kuro-san, may you change your clothes? I will be taking you somewhere" he said while combing his feathery black hair.

     How curious, we haven't gotten out to places together during any time of my stay, until now. "Alright" I replied before walking straight to the guest room's closet. There was my navy suit, which I am currently wearing, a kimono, which is too old fashioned, and causal clothing. Nothing formal, like for this occasion.

     Kiku stepped in with some fashionable clothes in hand. "I figured you don't have much to wear yet, please take this. The place where we're going is cold" I nodded and inspected the jacket, clean shirt, and skinny jeans. Only to walk out wearing them.

     " theatre?" I scowled, glaring at Kiku for the time waisting choice of bringing me here. "Yes, we will watch a film about romance." he explained while paying for the tickets and a couple snacks. I get it now, this must be today's lesson about love. As if watching a boring film of two people kissing each other was going to help, but I didn't complain. Kiku seemed rather confident about this, even though his face expressed nothing.

     He was right, it IS cold in here. We have barely even sat down on some empty seats that were away from the rest of the crowd and I'm already shivering my socks off. This jacket is terrible at doing it's job of keeping people warm. The worst part was that Kiku took it into notice, making him obligated to get me to feel warm somehow. Leading him to laying his own jacket around my shoulders.

     I glared at him, but neither of us said anything, it was already loud enough with the commercials. But, actually, it wasn't as cold anymore thanks to the extra jacket. My body stopped shivering, as if we were in Antartica.

     The movie, over all, wasn't amusing at all, even though it's from a well proclaimed anime series. Personally, I am more into hentai than this piece of garbage. However, it did appeal to the lessons Kiku have been trying to explain. Unfortunately, it's only a drop removed from the ocean that is my confusion on the subject.

     "What happened in the film, Kuro-san?" Kiku asked, making me have to summarize the story. "Two people fell in love with each other" I crossed my arms, still wearing the extra jacket. "That's good, you seem to know when to recognize it now" he accidentally smiled at the success of this lesson. What a surprise that was.

     To celebrate, we stopped to eat at a place called Hot Pot. Kiku seemed to be in a better mood than yesterday, he paid for the food as well. We sat down by a solitary table, what a coincidence, we both prefer to be alone. "Hmm...Kuro-san, you haven't told me anything about where you came from." he then brought a piece of food up to his mouth. I blinked, and played dumb. "You want to know about your own mirror?"

     He shook his head, and clearly saw through me. "No, about your universe" after he said that, I quickly stuffed my mouth with so much food that I looked like a chipmunk. All in order to not tell him anything about the other version of his friends in my home.

     Kiku sighed, understanding my uneasiness about the other dimention. "Very well, if that's how you feel about it...I won't bother you any longer" he continued to eat. Then I remembered. "Hey, Kiku-san, your jacket" I spoke, removing the extra piece of clothing and setting it next to him. He glanced up at me. "Thank you"

"No...thank you"

     On our way to the house, we took a poorly populated path as a quicker way to make it there. For some reason there weren't taxis around today. But then, a burglar, all dressed in black along with a covered face, pointed a handgun at us.

"Hand all your cash, and nobody gets hurt!"

     Kiku clenched his teeth, he stood there like a statue, and so did I in order to stick to my record of six days without resulting to violence. But the reason he stood still, it was because...

"I only have a credit card"

"Don't lie about it, midget!"

"He isn't lying! You can't do anything with a credit card that isn't yours, so go threaten people somewhere els--"

"Shut up!!!"

     A loud noise echoed through the empty path, Kiku's eyes widened. Before I knew it, a stinging pain invaded my stomach as the white shirt was quickly being stained in red.  I was paralyzed, but soon weakly fell to my knees, then to the ground.

     The burglar cowardly ran away, he doesn't have any guts, it was probably done by accident. Then I could hear Kiku call out my name, but it was too painful to even move, and besides, my vision blurred rapidly.

The last thing I saw was Kiku pulling out his cellphone.

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