Waking up to my dream

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I slowly start to come to, about an hour later as i hear someone playing the piano. I get up from the floor (because apparently the floor was the most comfortable place in the entire band room) and head over to Jeremy.

" Is he awake?" I ask sleepily, while rubbing my eyes.

" No, not yet. But i suggest you try and check, cause he might just be silent." Jeremy says while looking deep in thought.

"Are you okay Jeremy? You look off." I say as i look around the band room and see that almost everyone is gone.

"Im fine. Im just tired." I dont believe him, but i just brush it off as something minor, or him thinking about the person he likes.

"Okay. Let me know if somethings wrong, okay?" I state and move across the band room slowly to the practice room.

As i approach the room, i start to notice that the lights are flickering in the room. Strange, i wonder. Thats never happend unless Keoni did something to screw up the room like how he has with his trumpet. Anywho, i slightly knock on the door. I dont hear anything, so i go into the office and look for the keys to unlock the door. As i unlock the door, and slowly enter, my arm is grabbed and before i have a chance to scream my mouth is covered by an overly large hand, and im forced to my knees.

"Now, i am only going to say this once and once only. Let. Me. Go."

By that time, im either shaking from fear, or wondering how in the hell his extremely deep voice has so much dominion over me. As i slowly start to relax, i feel that his hand also slowly start to relax, and i dont even feel the need to scream for Jeremy at all. I feel safe. Warm. Protected. Something ive been yearning for. I don't feel afraid of him at all. Which is strange, considering i did scream and hit him in the head twice within a 24 hour period.

" What are you?" He states with wonder and amazement.

"What do you mean, what am i? The question is, what are YOU?" I state with Teah-like sass in my voice. " Your the one who decided to come crashing down onto ME through MY school's band room ceiling."

He looks at me in wonder and amazement, and with a type of sass ive only found in Brea, with the cocked and pointed eyebrow sharp enough to cut a bitch.

"Your something else, and im going to find out even if it kills me. Bring your friends along as well. I feel as something is different with them as well." By this time, even though it has only felt like its been a few minutes, it has actually been 2 hours, and everyone has met up back at the band room after heading to 7/11 to grab food.

"Why would we ever go with you? For all we know you might be leading us to our deaths." As i sit down on a chair and cross my legs and arms, but trusting anyways.

"There is only one person i need to call." He states. We walk out of the the room together, and everyone starts screaming their heads off like i got murdered or something. (Not that anyone would care but yknow😂)



Thats just some of the obnoxious comments i hear from the band. I get tired of it and just start yelling until i actually scream.

"SHUT THE HECK UP ALL OF YOU." I state with irritation in my voice. " Yalls need to chill tf out. I am still me, nothing was done in that room except for talking."

And then Angel just HAD to come in with a " Are you sure about that?" Which makes everyone, including Loki turn and glare.

"If i wanted her for myself, you would've heard her screaming. But im not going to take her. Yet." Loki says with a smirk that made Angel shut up real quick. We all look at him in shock, some more than others (Well, pretty much only me.)

"Well okay then. Now that thats settled, what do you need us to do?" I ask with the awkward-ness still tight around our throats.

" Wait, what do you mean, " What do you need us to do?" Why should we help him at all?" Taylen askes, with a questioning look on her face.

" He says theres something different about all of us, and that he wants to find out what." I state. "So, he wants to take us somewhere. Speaking of where we're going, where ARE we going Loki?"

" We're going to my home." He states while looking up.

" And where is your home exactly? Like Kaneohe, or more towards Haleiwa?"

" Neither. Its a place called Asgard. Its not where i was born, though." He says with a vague meaning of not wanting to go further into details about his up bringing.

"Okay. So your telling me that you are ACTUALLY from Asgard? And its an actual PLACE? But its only from myths and legends." I state. "Its not real. It can't be. Is it?"

"Well thats where your wrong my dear. Watch and learn." Loki says mischievously.

" Heimdall! Open the Bifrost!"

And thats the last of it, before i black out.

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