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Nick had to go spend the weekend with his elder sister, Alicia. He'd be having his birthday during the weekend so that meant that he's celebrating his birthday with his big sister. Well he didn't mind,he hadn't seen sister in 7 months so he couldn't wait.
"Happy Birthday Nick!" echoed round the living room of Alicia's home as Nick came through the front door. Her friends, neighbors, enemies and a lot of random people were invited to Nick's surprise birthday party, although Nick didn't know a single soul. Alicia had organised the party at her house and she didn't care about who she invited as long as they showed up. Her younger brother Nick, was turning 14 that day and that was a big deal.
As for Nick, he was in shock. He wasn't the social type unlike Alicia that was a blabbing extrovert and he didn't really have any friends except for Mark and his older sister, Alicia. Being shy as he naturally is, he lit up a smile.
"Hey bud, guess what I got you", Alicia said as she hurried to the center of the living room where a wooden center table sat, piled up with gifts. She brought a big box wrapped with striped red and white wrapping paper, handed it over to Nick and exclaimed,"Come on people! It's a good day show Nick some love."
Suddenly there was a lot of hailing for Nick and people came one by one giving their presents to him. It was strange since Nick didn't know more than half of individuals giving him gifts.

It felt much like a birthday for Alicia since everyone was talking with her. Nick didn't care, he was even happy that he wasn't being bugged by strangers.

"Okay guys!" Alicia announced, "we're out of drinks so I'm heading out to get some more. Y'all should make Nick happy while I'm gone."
Just like that, Alicia left her younger brother with a bunch of strangers. Didn't she know that there was a high possibility of him getting kidnapped? Someone from the background screamed, "Let's Party!!!!"
Then in an instant, Nick heard heavy music blasting from the home stereo to his right. People rocked their bodies to the beat and some crazy guys were even jumping up and down the sofa. What was wrong with these people? This wasn't even their house. Nick strolled to the nearest chair at the far left corner and the room, away from the blasting music and crazy madness. He'd just wait there until Alicia gets back although, it would take at least 30 minutes to get to the nearest local mart and same amount of time to get back.
There Nick sat alone until a cute brunette who looked about 18 came and stood beside Nick. She wore bum shorts and a crop top that showed a lot of cleavage.
"Hey handsome,"she smiled as she sat on the arm of the seat.
"Ah hi." Nick answered nervously not wanting to look at her.
"You know as the birthday boy, I could give you a night."
"Huh?" Nick turned to face her disgusted.
A night? Really! Alicia unknowingly invited whores too! Besides had the lady no respect for herself? He was 14 for goodness sake!
Nick stood up and not having any strength to talk to her, he left the scene. Where was Alicia anyway? It was over an hour and she wasn't back yet. Nick strolled across the dancing bodies in the living room and went to Alicia's bedroom. At least it would be safe there until Alicia arrives. As he got to her room and opened the door, to his surprise, he saw a guy and a girl entangling each other on his sister's bed.
"Excuse me?" Nick said to make the couple notice his appearance. The guy saw Nick and exclaimed,"What the! Get the F. out of here."
"I'm sorry." Nick closed the door in a haste. He came back to the living room but still no Alicia, just the same dancing bodies. He had to do something about this. A bunch of strangers shouldn't just be partying in his sister's house. So he did the dumbest thing that came to his mind.
He struggled his way to the other end of the room where the stereo was. He turned it off and screamed, "Everybody Out!!"
All dancing stopped as they all glared at the punk that ruined the fun.
Nick, with all shyness whimpered and said, "That's it. The party's over. You can all leave."
Well, you can guess what happened to Nick after the brave comment to all those huge people. Three guys jacked poor Nick, took him outside and dropped him beside the trash. So what do you think? Is it a happy birthday for Nick or not?

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