Chapter 3: Trouble with energy

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Ivor's Pov:

It was nighttime and I was going to Jesse's room to check on him. This is really mysterious, why would anyone be low on energy without regaining strength. I opened the door and saw that Jesse was gone.

I ran to the order's plan station to warn them. I slammed the door open and they all stared at me a shocked.

I panted as I tried to explain what happened.

"J-Jesse... *pant* he's gone..."

"WHAT?!?!" They all yelled like I expected.

"I went to his room to check on him and his bed was empty."

"We need to look for him." ordered Petra.

We all ran outside the temple to find Jesse. Now I know why he's low on energy.

No one's pov: (Meanwhile)

Somewhere else in the forest...

Jesse was walking on the forest. He was shirtless and his eyes were glowing purple only leaving his emerald orbs green.

"Hmm... Who will be next." He whispered.

He then saw a child. A girl who was lost in the woods. Jesse smirked and went to her. Before he did, he lifted his hand to the air and the sky was fully black. Clouds blocked the moon's shining light, making him hide in the shadows.

"H-hello?" She cried.

"Hey there little girl...What are you doing here at this time?" He asked as the girl looked at him.

"I'm lost. Can you help me find my house? My parents must be very worried."

Jesse smirked and keeled down. "Why of coarse I'll help you. I saw a house not to far from here. Do you live there?"

"Yes. That's my house. Can you take me there?" she smiled as Jesse chuckled.

"Why of coarse. Give me your hand." Jesse took the little girl's hand and walked away.

Petra's Pov:

We looked everywhere for Jesse, all that is left if the woods where Jesse's old tree house is. Things started to look even more difficult when everything went black. We couldn't see anything. Luckily we brought some touches.

"This is ridiculous. First we have a raper on the loose and then we have Jesse missing. He has low energy and that raper can kill him!" Yelled Ivor.

"It doesn't matter now, we need to find him first before the raper." I said.

We were walking for a long time until we saw something. We hid our touches and saw a guy with emerald eyes and purple glowing on his eyes. He had a girl with him, this must be his next victim.

I looked at them and they nodded. Axel ran and tackled the guy.


"What's going on?" asked the girl.

"Don't worry, this man is evil and we need to take him down." Explained Olivia.

"He's not evil, he was taking me home."

"He lied. But I can help you get home." Ivor said

"Do you know where it is?" the little girl asked.

"Yes, we saw a house over there. I will help you get home." Ivor took the girls hand and they left.

We all turned to the guy.

"How pathetic. Do you really think you can beat me?" He asked as he got up.

"Who are you?" I asked harshly.

He didn't respond he just snapped his fingers and the clouds disappeared. The moon's light made us see who it is. We all gasped and dropped our weapons.


A/N: The order finds out the raper is Jesse, the end. (Jk). See what happens next soon.

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