Chapter 5

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"I don't just dance! Monsieur I also sing." I yelled at him poking my sword at his chest at every word.

"So what does that mean?" He asked taunting me.

"It means I'm NOT a ballet rat, I may be a prying Pandora and a little viper, but I am NOT a lying Delilah or a ballet rat." I spit venomously.

He only smirked. He smirked. THATS IT.

I threw my sword at him. And stomped off. He quickly set down his sword and grabbed my arm.

"Yes, Monsieur?" I asked with a snarky attitude.

"Where are you going?" He asked quickly curious.

"Away. Merely because I can see I'm not welcomed." I spat.

"Would you at least like a dry........outfit?" He asked me.

I nod because I'm still soaked.

Then Christine walked out singing 'I Remember'

Me and Erik froze. We looked at each other and for some odd reason, both broke out laughing. On the ground dying. He helped me up. Talk about bipolar just a few minutes ago he was ready to kill me and now we're laughing together.

Erik and I stopped laughing and he went to retrieve a dry outfit for me. Christine had stopped singing and was confused. Then she noticed me.

"Taylor! Oh my goodness! Are you alright, little bird? I didn't know you knew the Angel of Music too!" She was speaking a mile a minute and hugging my soaking wet body. I patted her shoulder and she backed away. I smiled at my 3 inch shorter friend.

"I'm perfectly fine Christine, don't worry. And yes I know the Angel of Music as well. But he won't teach me." I say pouting at the end to see what Christine would say to Erik. Erik returned and handed me a pile of clothes with a pair of ankle boots on top, he seemed to be blushing a bit, I shrugged it off though. I smiled, muttered a quick "Thank you" and headed off to the swan bedroom to change.

I spread out the clothes on the bed and realized why Erik was so embarrassed. He found me undergarments as well. I stripped off my wet attire and threw on the underwear and black corset. I slid on the leather pants and white shirt that resemble Erik's outfit quite well. I could hear Erik kind of yelling at her outside the door and them arguing. Whoops. I slid on the boots as well. I turned to look in the mirror and found myself shocked. It all fit quite well, but my hair was a mess. Curly and everywhere, oh well, nothing that could fix it now.

I walked out and saw them looking at the door waiting for it to open. Christine looked very happy yet scared and Erik, well Erik had his usual grumpy face but his hair looked messed up and his mask seemed to be thrown on. Until he noticed my attire. He smirked and turned to Christine. She glares real quick but turned around to greet me.

"Nice outfit you picked out for me, Monsieur. It kinda resembles your own." I said whilst smirking because he snapped his head to compare the two outfits and realized I was right. He put his head down scowling at the outcome.

Christine turned to me excitedly. "Angel said he would teach you too!"

"How exciting, Christine!" I replied with fake excitement.

"Oh little bird now we can sing and dance together!" She said very happy.

"Hooray!" I said smiling. I look to Erik to see his smiling at us a genuine smile. Christine and I settled down and he said "Come we must return. The two fools who run my theatre will be missing Christine."

My heart sunk. That's right I wasn't important. The Phantom helped Christine onto the boat and then turned to me.

"I don't have to trudge through the water again? Do I?" I jest.

"Not as long as you don't sneak into my lair again." He jested back and helped me into the boat because face it. I'm extremely clumsy. I sat in the middle of Christine and Erik. Christine in front of me and Erik rowing behind me. It's dead silent the entire boat ride. We reach the other side and Erik stops. He steps out and helps Christine out and then hesitates. He then let's go of her to help me out.

"Thanks." I mutter.

He turns back to Christine and leads the way back up to the Prima Donna room with me trailing behind, obviously unwanted. He slides open the mirror for Christine to enter but slams it shut when I was about to go through.

"What was that for?!" I yell at him pointing to the closed mirror.

"If you actually do want lessons you can come down any day after practices." He muttered rubbing the back of his neck. He then opened the door and I step out, him immediately closing it behind him.

I smiled at Christine as she quickly went to the door to find Meg, Madame, or Raoul I presume. She opened the door to see Madame.

"Bonjour, Madame." I said trying to butter her up.

She looked at me and her eyes went wide.

"You were there too?" She seethed.

"Yes, Madame." I said quietly putting my head down.

"Well come, we need to get you out of that outfit and into a dress. You come as well, Christine." She said taking both of our wrists in her hands.

She leaded us to our room and Christine changed into something more.........everyday. Then Madame hands me a ballet outfit that consists of a black leotard and a pink tutu to put on.

"You will be dancing soon so grab your shoes as well."

"Yes, Madame." I replied digging my light pink ballet pointe shoes out of the chest.

"Christine, why don't you rest." Madame said, "Taylor I would like you to dance that way people do not know you've been with the Phantom." She whispered the second part to me.

"Very well Madame." I replied understandingly.

Madame leads me out as Christine lays down to rest.

"Where's Meg?" I ask.

"Dancing." She responded blankly, "Did anything bad happen?"

"We had a sword fight, I took off his mask, I think Christine took off his mask, and Christine talked him into giving me voice lessons." I stated with a very sweet, sarcastic smile.

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