Lost and Alone

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"Nessa, time to wake up." Amberlyn said, while looking at her 3 year old daughter, lovingly. "We're going to see grandma and grandpa."

"Gwamma and Gwampa!" Vanessa squealed with excitement and shot up out of bed.

Amberlyn got her ready in her blue jean shorts a black tee shirt and white sneakers.

Vanessa bounced up and down in excitement, her long black curls that fell in ringlets down her back bounced too. They reminded Amberlyn of Nessa's Father, Saul Hudson or as he goes by now Slash.

She never spoke of her father due to the fact, he was a famous rockstar and she didn't want to intrude or have anyone thinking she was using him for fame or money.

"Come on honey let's get you in your carseat." Amberlyn said, while buckling Vanessa in.

"You ready to see grandma and grandpa?"

"Yes!" The three year old squealed.

Amberlyn giggled, "Alright let's go." As she started the car and backed out.

The ride was long, it was a 5 and a half hour drive, and Amberlyn was getting sleepy. She was only half way through the drive. She looked back at her sleeping daughter and smiled. She then turned on the radio, to keep her awake.

A soft rock song began to feel the car.

As she kept driving, her eyes got heavier. She knew she should check in to a hotel for the night, but it was cheaper to keep driving and she thought she didn't have much longer to go.

As she kept driving her eyes closed for what felt like a second, til she heard a car horn and a squeal of tires. Vanessa jolted awake with a scream.

"Mommy!" Nessa screeched.

Amberlyn turned the wheel hard and the car protested and swerved several times in a circle, then flipped three times, landing on the roof of the car.

"Mommy." Vanessa cried, afraid.

No response.

Vanessa looked ahead at her mom who was slumped over in her seat, from the backseat in her carseat.

"Mommy, me head hurts."

The last thing she heard was someone yelling and sirens, then the little girl blacked out.


"Showtime boys." Our tour manager, Adam said, peeping his head into the door.

"Let's go boys!" Izzy said.

We were in our dressing room heading to the stage. I could hear the screams and chants from the fans already.


Axl grabbed a mic from a roadie and ran onto the stage, us following.

"You know where you are! You're in the jungle baby!" Axl's voice boomed into the mic.

I started to shred on my guitar. Tonight was gonna be the best show yet.

After the show, we headed back to the hotel we were staying in, to shower then go out for drinks.

Once we arrived we saw our manager, Richard Strickmen, waiting for us with another man. Who was dressed in a black suit, black tie with black dress shoes. He looked like a lawyer. Oh God here we go. What have we done know?

He walked up to us, stress and worry written on his face.

"What's up man?" Axl asked.

"Slash, I need to talk to you. Alone." He said, looking at the guys.

My Sweet Child (Guns N' Roses / Slash)Where stories live. Discover now