Chapter 23: Don't abuse her kind heart!

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"So you're Tao's girlfriend that we saw at school?! And we all believe that you are but you're really not because you are freaking Uiza that pretends to be Uize!!!" Nana burst out of anger then slammed the door open "Please if you could just-"

"Stop it Uiza..!! What kind of a friend, no, I mean Best friend are you to not tell us about this?! BEST FRIENDS should tell problems with each other right? We can help you with this but how could you lie to us?! All this time?!!" Nana said angrily, tears continuously falling in her eyes. 

All of them can't say anything at this moment. Only Nana can tell whatever her mind and heart is telling her. She doesn't care whether you're hurt with her words, the important is that she let out the pain inside of her

"I'm so sorry.." Uiza apologized, can't look straight into their eyes "Sorry? Do you think we can move on just like that? We're so worried about you and we even believe all of the lies that you made, do you even think of that?" Shiny looked Uiza in the eye before she walks away, can't take the pain anymore. 

Shiny's really angry at Uiza and she knew that Uiza's crying inside, shouting for help and that cause Shiny so much pain so she leaves right away, also crying. Suho followed Shiny to comfort her "Did you enjoy hurting us?!" Nana rolled her eyes before she leaves too.

Earlier that time:

"Okay here we are.." Tao said while holding Uiza's wrist, avoiding for her to escape. Uiza took a deep breath "I-I don't know Tao, maybe we shoul-"

"Let's go.." Tao interrupted Uiza by dragging her inside. Many students were seen inside of the venue. They all look dashing with their gowns and tuxedos. "This place looks cool huh? Well, eat first before you- OH MY GLOB A PANDA MASCOT!!" Tao suddenly yelled excitedly then points at the panda that he saw

"Where!?! Where!?!" Uiza quickly look at the opposite directions, searching for the panda that Tao's talking about "There!! Let's take a picture with it.." Tao jumps like a kid "You said it.." Uiza jumps like a kid too then they approach the panda excitedly "I'm so excited to hug that Panda.. You know, I really love mascots.. How about you??" then he turned to face Uiza but stops when he saw that she's not there with him. 

Poor Tao, talking to himself like a crazy guy "Oh?? That's strange.. She's just here beside me earlier.. Where is she??" Tao asked himself while scratching the back of his head, wondering where could she be. Then after a few turns of his head, searching for Uiza, he finally saw her running towards the balcony "There you are.." then followed her.

Suho noticed Tao even from a far "Oh? Is that Tao?" he asked "Where? *saw Tao's back* Oh yeah it's Tao.." Chanyeol followed Tao's gaze "Did he saw us or not?" Shiny asked, wondering why Tao running to the opposite direction "We should call him later.." D.O said while mixing his beverage with a straw playfully. 

"Guys wait.." Nana interrupted then suddenly stands from her seat that makes all of them turn to face her "What is it?" Shiny asked curiously. Nana stared at it more first before speaking "I think I saw something.." then walk towards it. They shrugged before following Nana

"What to do?! What to do?!" Uiza nervously asking herself while walking back and forth. Wondering why she suddenly run away from Tao? Not because she wants to escape, it's because she saw them(their friends) near the Panda Mascot. 

Uiza really wants to hug any kinds of mascot because like Tao, she somehow feels like a child again whenever she hugs mascots. Uiza and Tao wants to feel that feeling again and it's their lucky day to have a mascot in the party and take note, the mascot is a Panda so they're really happy and excited then run towards it but unfortunately, Uiza froze at the sudden view then run to the opposite direction, leaving Tao behind. Wrong timing, she thought.

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