Fighting and Overcoming Anxiety

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This is an chapter written by one of the admins of this account Sophia/ FitzSimmonsForever in order to share her own experiences and to encourage others to share their own if they are willing. Also to prove that no one is perfect, and everyone has their own demons to fight, including our admins.

As a sufferer of anxiety, and a former victim of bullying, I have my bit of knowledge when it comes to loneliness and self-esteem issues.

Sometimes it feels hopeless much like trudging through quick sand, you just fall deeper and deeper into problems the more you try to get out that it feels as if you might as well give up. But life isnt like quick sand, one decision, or one event doesn't shape your fate, and at any moment you can cross paths with someone who cares about you.

You may think that life is bound to be painful, and lonely, but it's just as possible that life can be happy and joyous. It's not all black and white but it's your attitude that can determine what color your life is, it can either be dark and dreary, bright and bountiful or more realistically a mix of the two! I know that some times you can't help but feel bad, but in my personal experience, what you do after is what shapes the next day. You don't have to give in to sadness, just accept it and face it. It's hard to do but I'm determined to do it, I will take my life back from my anxiety, and my past even if for a moment. And I will support others in doing it to because I know too well what it feels like to be alone.

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