Carnie Clair: Bio

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Full Name: Clair Elizabeth

Height: 5'4

Eye Color: Forest Green

Hair Color: Black/Brown

Age: 17

Parents: Elizabeth and Nathaniel 

Siblings: Gabriel and Max

Birthday: October 31st

Carnie Clair was born into 'The Circus of Death'. It is a magical circus that never moves from where it is placed. Which is in a large field just a little bit away from a mundane (or as Clair says "Mundie") town. 

    Her parents names were Elizabeth and Nathaniel,  her mother being British and her father being Irish. They had been in the circus for quite awhile, being some of the founding members. Clair dearly loved her mother and father and they loved her as well. They protected their daughter with all they had. 

One day, Clair was very curious about an act one of the performers had done, which was summoning demons. She hid behind her tent and performed the perfectly and exactly as the performer had. She gasped as there was a burst of crimson red smoke, grinning from ear to ear. She had done it! She clapped her hands as she saw a young girl in front of her. She was only seven, how was she supposed to know? She talked with the girl for a long while until suddenly, the girl possessed Clair, though laying dormant for a long while. 

When Clair turned 14, exactly on her birthday, the girl that had possessed her came alive in her. She caused mass destruction around the grounds, but it was done by Clair's hands. Clair went around setting fire to everything with her hands. She approached her parents tent, slowly walking in. She had a blade in her hand and approached their bed. So, as they slept, she took the blade and murdered her parents, doing the same to her siblings.

Once she awoke from what had been done, she was devastated. All of her family was dead, and it was her fault. The Ring Leader offered her a deal, she be loyal to him, obey him, and he would seal the demon in her to where she wouldn't be able to hurt anyone. Clair, of course, agreed. From then on she was under the control of the Ring Leader. She never told anyone about that night, keeping it to herself. There were nights where she would cry and not stop, having constant nightmares. She absolutely hated herself for what she had done.

When she was 17 she met a fellow named Mad H. Atter, being a carnie himself he was interested in this circus. He wasn't apart of one himself, but soon he would be. After Clair and Atter talked for a while, she insisted he audition for a place in the show. He agreed and passed the audition with flying colors, literally.

After that, Atter and Clair became very close friends and they performed greatly together in the shows that followed. 

The rest..lies ahead in the story. 

Have fun, mudies.

and Welcome to the greatest show unearthed, The Circus of Death.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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