Chapter 2

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            My body was throbbing in pain, but I refused to let myself stop running. I had no idea where I was; I only knew that I was in the forest and that I was no longer being followed by that monster.

            When my legs gave out, I collapsed in a heap next to a large boulder. I couldn’t move anymore, so I just gave up, waiting for death to take me.

            A rustling sound to my left caught my attention and I managed to turn my head towards it. A pair of eyes peered back at me, but I didn’t scream. Hopefully this was an animal that would kill me quickly and end my pain.

            My eyes widened slightly as the rest of the animal came into view and I saw that it was a massive black wolf. But strangely, any fear I felt disappeared as I kept my eyes on the animal that was slowly coming towards me. Just as the wolf reached me, there was a roaring in my ears and suddenly everything went black.

            When I woke up again, I was lying on a bed with an IV in my arm. I blinked in confusion, because this definitely didn’t look like a hospital to me. I turned my head to the left and let out a sound of surprise when I saw the young man sitting next to me. He had been dozing, but as soon as I made a noise his eyes popped open and peered at me.

            When I saw his eyes, they reminded me of the wolf I had seen just before I passed out. They were a brilliant deep blue color that held me captivated for a few seconds before I was able to blink. “Where am I?” I asked in a scratchy voice.

            “In my home,” he replied, his deep voice like music to my ears.

            “How did I get here?”

            “I found you,” he replied simply.

            I stared at him in confusion. He had found me? But I’d only seen that wolf… my eyes widened as I realized what he meant. “You- Wolf- How?” I stammered as my heart rate increased.

            He took one of my hands in his and rubbed a thumb lightly over the back of it. “Shh, you need to relax.”

            I took a deep breath and closed my eyes before exhaling slowly. When my heart was beating normally again, I opened my eyes. “How is that possible?” I whispered.

            “It’s possible because we exist,” he replied.

            I frowned slightly. “That doesn’t make sense,” I told him.

            “I know, but I’ll explain it at a different time. Right now, you need to rest. You were in pretty bad shape when I found you.”

            “What’s your name?” I asked.


            “I’m Tara,” I mumbled, feeling sleep starting to take over again.

            “Sleep, little one. I will be here when you wake up.”

            I furrowed my brows. “I’m not little,” I muttered.

            He chuckled and the sound made me smile for some reason. “Compared to me, you are tiny.”

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