Chapter One, A Lonely Summer

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Summary: Draco Malfoy has been looking for his soul mate ever since his sixteenth birthday

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Summary: Draco Malfoy has been looking for his soul mate ever since his sixteenth birthday. As a dominant vampire his emotions are heightened and the longer it takes to find his submissive the higher the chance of his bloodlust consuming him. With the school year just beginning Draco now finds it harder to keep control but maybe he won't have to worry much longer. On the train ride to school a particular scent invades his senses and the vampire will do anything to keep his newly found little submissive.

Disclaimer: Nothing you recognise belongs to me it all belongs to J.K Rowling I'm just using them in a way she didn't.

Warning: Mentions of child abuse.

Thank you to DollopheadedMerlin for the cover and to my friend Emma for helping me with this story. Also this is sort of an Au story as the Dursleys send Harry back into the cupboard every summer for a few weeks before letting him out. Thank you Arcstark for the amazing banners.

Chapter One: A Lonely Summer

Harry sighed as he listened to the sounds of his aunt Petunia walk around on the floor above. A groan fell from his chapped lips as he struggled to sit upright in the enclosed space. He needed to get ready for another laborious day when all he wished to do was fall back to sleep. He knew he needed to be in the kitchen and have breakfast ready before his relatives came downstairs. Quietly he left his cupboard barely lowering his head in time before he bumped it against the doorframe, he didn't need any more bruises than the ones he all ready had. His uncle had returned home drunk once again after a business deal gone wrong and of course he blamed it on the so called abomination living under his roof.

Harry quickly got into his morning routine, he could probably make the breakfast with his eyes closed considering how many times he had done it before. He got lost in his thoughts as he remembered the weird dream that had woken him in the early hours of the morning. He could barely remember most of the details but a pair of silvery blue eyes was burned into his mind. He had a feeling he should know who they belonged to. He shook his head and returned back to the present, his hand shot out just in time to catch the glass that was about to fall and shatter on the floor. That wouldn't have been a good start to the day, especially when his body all ready ached. He was sure his aunt would have a large list of chores he needed to complete before his uncle returned home from work.

Harry watched as his relatives sat down at the kitchen table and knew that today he wouldn't be getting any breakfast. "Boy, get the paper!" his uncle grunted spraying food across the table and on to his moustache. Harry quickly fled from the room thankful to get away from the revolting sight. Harry returned with the morning paper and continued his usual summer routine, effortlessly drowning out his uncles scathing remarks as he daydreamed about going back to school. He still had three more miserable months with his relatives until the 1st of September and he could see his friends again.

A letter had arrived three days ago stating that this year he wouldn't be able to go to the Weasley's during the end of the summer as it would be safer for him to stay in the wards that surrounded Privet Drive. A bolt of loneliness swept through Harry as he remembered the short notes his friends had sent expressing their apologies and what made it worse is that he knew his friends were staying together at Sirius' old house including, Neville and Luna as it was safer for them. A thought plagued Harry's mind as he continued with his chores under the hot sun, sweat running down his back causing his clothes to stick to him uncomfortably. If his friends were so safe at Grimmauld Place why wasn't he? Even staying at a place plagued with the very memories of his dead godfather would be a far much better place to stay than in his relatives loving care.

 If his friends were so safe at Grimmauld Place why wasn't he? Even staying at a place plagued with the very memories of his dead godfather would be a far much better place to stay than in his relatives loving care

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