Chapter Three, Returning to Hogwarts

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Chapter Three, Returning to Hogwarts

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Chapter Three, Returning to Hogwarts

Harry sighed he was so glad that he was finally on his way to Kings Cross to go to Hogwarts, but he was beyond furious with Dumbledore and his supposed friends as they had kept him in that hell hole all summer and Vernon made sure that he regretted staying there all summer if the large gash across his left cheek meant anything. His uncle had done it when he realised Harry would be staying with them all summer, but it was made worse when Harry had accidentally burnt the dinner in eleven years due to him being so exhausted because of the lack of sleep and food, he was lucky if he got one meal every three weeks which his aunt and uncle had reduced because of him staying with them longer and freaks didn't get food his uncle had told him during the many beatings this summer.

"Boy get out of this car now or so help me...." Uncle Vernon threatened even with aunt Petunia's hand resting on his shoulder letting him know they were in public. Not wanting to anger his uncle any more than he already was for just existing Harry scrambled out of the car grabbing his trunk and empty owl cage from the boot, he'd already let Hedwig fly off to Hogwarts the night before so she wouldn't get hurt during one of his uncle's rages. No sooner had Harry pulled his trunk out of the boot and closed it his uncle sped off barely missing Harry's foot. Harry took a deep breath to gather himself physically and mentally and headed inside the station to platform nine and three quarters.

As soon as Harry walked through the arch way onto the platform he was immediately surrounded by noise as parents were shouting for their children to get onto the express, as they appeared to have wandered off in search of friends. Harry leaned against the wall gritting his teeth in pain at the stabbing pains in his back from the wounds that are now aggregated from pulling his trunk all the way through the station. After he got his breathing under control Harry made his way to the end of the carriages trying to find an empty one at the back where he wouldn't be disturbed and could hopefully get some rest while they made the long journey to Hogwarts.

Ten minutes later Harry had finally reached the last carriage on the train which was thankfully empty as people didn't really use the back carriages the short journey was made longer by Harry having to stick to the shadows so no one would stop him to talk to them and ask why he hadn't written back to them in the summer. Closing and locking the door behind him Harry pulled down all the blinds and warded the door to let him know if anyone was coming his way or trying to get in. Harry sighed he had no energy left after dragging his trunk all the way from the car park to here, so he just levitated it and Hedwig's empty cafe up onto the luggage rack after settling down on the seat for the long ride ahead. Harry laid down on the seat pulling his jacket tighter around him as he shivered and closed his eyes ready to sleep for a few hours not noticing or if he did he didn't seem to care as his breathing started to labour as the train headed for its destination.

 Harry laid down on the seat pulling his jacket tighter around him as he shivered and closed his eyes ready to sleep for a few hours not noticing or if he did he didn't seem to care as his breathing started to labour as the train headed for its de...

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