Chapter Eight, Marauder's Cottage

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Chapter Eight, Marauder's Cottage

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Chapter Eight, Marauder's Cottage

"There's a spare room you can set Harry in Draco. It's the third door on the left." Remus told the young vampire as he stepped out of the fireplace leading the way to the bedroom he'd always kept prepared for Harry; just in case. "When do you think Harry will wake up?" Draco asked worriedly.

"I'm not too sure." Remus said frowning. "It could be tonight or it could be tomorrow. But there's nothing to worry about. Harry will wake when his body is ready. We just have to keep giving him this potion for his asthma till he wakes, then he can start the pump and we can start him on nutrient potions."
"He's due another pain potion isn't he? In an hour?" Draco asked frowning running his hand through Harry's hair.

"He is." Remus agreed. "Why don't you go rest for a bit and I'll stay with Harry for awhile. We'll be no good to Harry if we're both dead on our feet. My bedroom is next door, then the bathroom you can take that and I'll stay on the sofa." Remus offered.
"Can't I stay in here?" Draco asked. "Transfigure the chair?" Not wanting to argue Remus agreed and transfigured the chair into a bed for the young Malfoy who after kissing Harry's forehead was out as soon as his head hit the pillow.

"Oh cub." Remus sighed softly brushing Harry's hair out of his face. "I'm so, so sorry this happened to you. It's all my fault if I'd have been there; fought Dumbledore harder none of this would have happened. But I promise you now cub that things are going to be different. I'm going to always be there for you and nothing and no one is going to change that.

I love you so much Harry and you will get through this I promise. Draco and I are going to help you through this you're not alone anymore. Never again." Remus promised kissing Harry's forehead before he coaxed him to drink his potions and took up the mantle to look after his injured cub.

It was the early hours of the morning, Remus was staring bleary eyed at the book in his hands trying to keep himself awake after Merlin knows how many coffees when Harry's fingers started to twitch and he let out a soft pained moan that only Remus' enhanced hearing allowed him to hear. Immediately Remus became wide awake dropping the book from his hands as he stared intently wondering if his cub was waking up or his sleep deprived brain was playing tricks on him.

Nope. His brain was definitely not playing tricks on his as Harry moaned in pain again as his eyes began to flutter. "Cub." Remus croaked, suddenly filled with all sorts of emotions his eyes filling with tears. "That's it Harry wake up for me. You're okay, you're safe now and no one is ever going to hurt you again." Remus swore leaning forward and gently grasping Harry's hand. "R-Remus." Harry croaked his voice breaking from lack of use.
"I'm here cub. Here drink this." Remus assures holding a glass of water with a straw for Harry to sip. "Slowly Harry slowly." Remus instructed when Harry went to gulp down the water.

"How're you feeling Harry?" Remus asked concerned when he'd had his fill of water. "Does anything hurt?"
"I-it hurts a little to breathe a-and my legs hurt." Harry rasped. Remus reacted quickly handing Harry a pain potion and after Harry had taken the potion then holding out an in-haler a worried look on his face as he wondered how he would explain everything.

"Harry I know this might be very confusing right now but you need to take this in-haler it will stop it hurting when you breathe." Remus assured and then proceeded to instruct Harry how to take it and explain everything that had happened from when he passed out on the train until now leaving nothing out. "Oh cub." Remus moaned remorsefully gathering Harry into his arms as he started to cry softly into his shoulder. "It's okay Harry. Everything is going to be okay you're safe here nothing is going to happen to you I promise. Draco and I will look after you and we will help you through this I promise. Before you know it the four weeks will be up and hopefully with some time and exercises you'll no longer need the wheelchair and will be up on your feet in no time. The asthma is easy we can manage that." Remus tired to reassure as he wiped away Harry's tears kissing his forehead.

"I love you Remus and I'm sorry." Harry started.
"Hey, none of that now what happened to Sirius is and never will be your fault and you are not a burden and I hate that you think that the Dursley's are wrong Harry." Remus interrupted him guessing what he was going to say. "And I love you too, I'm the one that is sorry and I will never forgive myself for this happening to you but I will try to make it up to you. Now, why don't you try and get some more sleep." Remus suggested when Harry started to struggle to keep his eyes open.

"Stay." Harry asked tiredly.
"I'm not going anywhere Harry." Remus promised climbing on next to Harry gathering him in his arms as he started to drift off. "Goodnight cub." Remus said kissing Harry's head slightly. As Harry drifted off in his arms Remus let out his own yawn and rested his cheek on top of Harry's head finally letting himself drift off to sleep now he knew Harry was safe.

End of chapter 8!

End of chapter 8!

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