Chapter 35

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Zac P.O.V.

"Come on guys, we have get to school." I threw a pillow at Luke.

"Five more minutes." I changed into a hellhound and started licking his face. Luke, Sammy, Craig, and Eli spent the night. "Fine. I'm up. Let's wake everyone else up."

After they all got up, my mum made some eggs, bacon, and toast. Then we got our stuff for school and headed out to the bus stop. Once everyone (Me, Haley, Eli, Mackenzie, Luke, Craig, Kate, and Sammy) got there it was about ten minutes until the bus came so...

We played Truth or Dare.

"Zac t or d?" Mackenzie asked.


"Is it true that you are still 13?"


"Wait. That means that I am older than you?" Haley asked surprised.

"Yes. But I am still taller than you." Haley pouted. Now she was about six inches shorter than me.

"You don't have to-" I cut her of because I kissed her.

"Will you please be quiet?"

"Eenope." She said in a failed low voice.

"No, no, no. It's eenope." I said in the deep voice.

"That's because you can go that deep. I can't." Then we started to argue about it.

"Guys, the bus is coming." Kate said. Once we got to Goode I walked to the office to get my schedule.

"I'm Zachary Zenais, I'm here to pick up my schedule." I saw that I had Mr. Blofis first period. That name sounds familiar. I walked to first hour and saw that there was a spot next to Kate. So I walked over there.

"Hey." Kate said and saw that I sat next to her.

"Hey. I think that I have heard the name Blofis before but I can't place where."

"Probably because he is Percy's step-dad. I think." So that is where I heard it from. But, I still think that I have a connection, in away, with him. After first hour I had gym.

I was the first changed and all I heard was, "Do you think ___ is hot or ___..." When we got back into the gym I saw a climbing wall and grinned. The boys coach was about 5'3.

"All right cupcakes!! You are going to race each other to the top of the wall! It is going to be alphabetical order against reverse alphabetical order! First up, Eli Angle against Zachary Zenais!" I swear I saw coach smile.

"Good luck Eli." We shock hands then we got ready.

"3! 2! 1! Go!" coach yelled as I jumped about a foot while Eli started from the beginning. He was catching up to me fast but I kept ahead by a foot.

I rang the bell as me and Eli jumped off.

"That was fun." I swear that I just saw coach's baseball bat turn into a tree branch then back to a baseball bat. Coach reminded me of someone. Then he took this hat off for a millisecond and I saw horns. He reminded me of Coach Hedge.

Then I realized that it was Coach Hedge. After that I had math. Let me tell you. I finished before the teacher was done explaining. Then came lunch. I went straight to the back of the room and I found my other friends.

"Hey guys." Sammy said with a tray full of tacos.

"Why do you have so many tacos?" I ask trying to steal one. He smacked my hand.

"Because I like tacos." Then I saw that Haley was gone. I stood up and saw that a jock was carrying her to the jock/ popular table. I stormed over then and grabbed Haley.

"Are ya okay?"

"Yea." I felt people stare at me and Haley.

"What are you looking at?"

"You took the pretest girl in school." one of the jock said and he radiated anger.

"I'm sorry if I just took my girlfriend from you. But, I want her back." I grabbed her hand and walked off. Then I felt the jock walk after me and then shoved me. "You shouldn't have done that." I turned around and he flinched.

"Zappy calm down. Let's go. You can get payback at the football practice." I took a deep breath and walked away.

"What a wimp. Won't even fight." someone said.

"What if I did this?" Then he shoved Haley. That. Was. The. Last. Straw.

I ran towards him and he started to ran away from me. Then I felt six people run towards me. They each grabbed my arms and shoulders.

"Wolf, calm down. Calm down." Kate whispered. I broke their grasp on me and ran towards Haley.

"I'm so so sorry, Secret. I should of-" Then she kissed me on the check.

"It's alright. But help me up. This floor is dirty." I helped her up and walked away to our table. I felt everyone stare at me.

After lunch people started to stay clear from me but I didn't mind as long as my friends stay with me. Everything was fine until after sixth hour.

"Zachary Zenais please come to the office." Everyone heard over the intercom.

"I got to go. Bye, see you later." I walked towards the office when I smelled hellhound coming from the office. When I got their I saw Cal.

"Mr. Zenais, you will be gone for a few hours. Your dad will be taking you." I nod to the office lady and walk out with Cal following me.

"You told them that you were my-" Then I saw an explosion. "What was that?!"

"A cheese demon?"

"Why does it have to be a cheese demon?" I wonder out loud. We ran towards the explosion and I saw...

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