Chapter 1. Going Home.

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Alex's POV

"I hope we get picked together." Kirstie squealed. Kirstin Maldonado was my best friend, well, my only friend. She understood me in a way no one ever could. I looked down at her as she took my hand, my whole body tensed.

"I hope so." For the last 3 years I've hardly spoken, even to Kirstie. I use to love the sound of my own voice but today, I have Phonophobia which is the fear of speaking out loud. It developed from years and years of being punished for speaking out of turn. When I speak to someone I naturally whisper, I am unable to project my voice and that use to get me in trouble too.

Kirstie is such a sweet innocent girl. She's beautiful but gullible which left her wide open from abuse and torment. 

I was 15 when I met Kirstie. She was so damaged, and she really didn't deserve to be. I tried hard to stay away from her but that was nearly impossible since I wanted to protect her. She was a bad omega or so they told me. I was getting hit regularly and I thought that if I stayed away from her it cool down but it didn't.

One day Kirstie was colouring a picture she drew and she was so proud of it, I could tell by the look on her face but our Alpha's at the time enjoyed destroying everything we loved. His name was Shane, he was beautiful but held an ugly heart inside his chest. He saw how proud she was on her drawing and tore it to pieces. Kirstie then made the mistake of trying to stand up for herself and well, it got her beaten to the point she was barely breathing. It was that moment that I decided I would protect her, she needed me, just as much as I needed her.

We moved from Pack to Pack, we were broken and no one wanted broken omega's. I watched painfully as Kirstie's hopes would rise and fall as Alpha after Alpha passed us, laughing, throwing things at us, calling us names. Each time I squeezed her little hand lightly and it seemed to get her a boost of hope.

That's when I saw them. I didn't know their names but I could feel that they were good people, which terrified me.

I gripped tightly onto Kirstie's hand and pushed her behind me a little as they approached us. One shorter then me, with a beard and longish hair under a beanie hat, the other was my hight, handsome and blond.

"Hello." The blond smiled. I started to breathe quickly but didn't fault.

"H-hello Sirs." My voice was just above hearing volume.

"Hello!" Kirstie stepped out from behind me and smiled brightly at them.

"I'm Avi and this is Scott." Avi pointed between them, both smiled sweetly at us.

"I'm Kirstin and his is Alexander. It's nice to meet you!" Kirstie walked over to Avi with her hand held out, I was surprised when Avi took it.

"It's nice to meet you too Kirstin, and Alexander." Avi nodded towards me, and I could only nod back a little.

Suddenly Kirstie got involved in a deep conversation with Avi and left me alone with Scott, which left me terrified and vulnerable. I looked down at the ground as I felt Scott's eyes on me.

"Tell me a little about your self Alexander?" His voice was kind, but it didn't make me feel less scared.

"T-there's not much to tell Sir. I'm 19 years old, l-like Kitty. Kitty and I have been moved from pack to pack since we were 15. I-" I couldn't get anymore words out of my mouth and that's when I panicked.

I started hyperventilating and couldn't stop, everything became too much and I couldn't calm down.

"Alexander? Alexander are you alright?" Scott was close, I couldn't tell where exactly. I was gasping for air, like I was being crushed. Tear's started pouring out of me as I tried to speak.

"K-k-i-tty. I need Kitty!" I collapsed on the floor and started pulling at my hair a little until suddenly a tiny hands saved me.

"You're alright Allie, it's ok." Kirstie's voice was soothing, her hands ran through my hair as my breathes became normal again. 

"S-s-s-orry." I whispered, Kirstie only answered with humming. 

"When Allie get's scared or stressed this happens. And it happens more times then not." I covered my face as I slowly became ok, so embarrassed by what just happened.

"I understand. It's alright." Avi's voice was so low.

I closed my eyes and slowly got to my feet, and I hung my head in shame.

"I'm sorry. We'll be going now." I messed up. I blew our chances because I'm a nervous reck. Good job Alex.

"STOP!" Scott's voice bombed through the hall and through me, causing me to stop instantly.

"P-please don't hurt her." I whispers as I pushed Kirstie behind me, my eye's turning blue. I mentally screamed when Scott's eyes turned red.

"You guys aren't going anywhere." His voice was soft but his eye's told a different story so I held tightly onto Kirstie's hand, just incase we had to run again. Scott noticed and tilted his head confused before turning to Avi.

"Your eyes. Scott you're scaring them!" Scott gasped and quickly blinked making them normal again.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Please, we'd- we'd like to take you home. If you'd like?" Scott shared a smile with Avi, which made me step forward a little.

"T-together?" I showed the Alpha's mine and Kirstie's hand, letting them know that we're a pair. Scott didn't answer, he just nodded with a smile. I turned to look at Kirstie who was grinning.

"We finally get to go home! HOME ALLIE! Together!" She jumped on me in her happy state and hugged me, which made my body scream. I was happy too, so I hugged her weakly before letting go after a second. She chuckled and stepped away.

"That's not a real hug Allie." She opened her arms for me and believe me I tried to walk into them, I wanted nothing more then to hug her and make her happy but I just couldn't. I looked down sadly.

"Can't." I hated myself for it. She needed me and I was letting her down over and over again.

"It's ok Alex. I understand why." She grinned at me. I really loved her. She was my best friend, a sister almost. 

I looked up at Avi and Scott and nods once.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Scott grinned. Kirstie started jumping up and down excited. I smiled at her, she finally got her wish. A home.

I took Kirstie's hand lightly and nodded at the Alpha's, we followed them out. We were about to start a new life, a better life, I could feel it. We were finally going home, together.


NEW BOOK! WHAT!? This is based on a Roleplay chat I'm in and I am obsessed with this storyline... More too come #soon because I'll be writing as the chat develops?! EXCITED!!! ILYSM! <3

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