Chapter 3. Water.

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Alex's POV

As I slowly walked towards the house I started to freeze up. Kirstie had walked off ahead with Avi and I was stuck in my own awkward bubble, not sure of what to do next. Scott was behind me, probably making sure I didn't run, but why would I? I had no where to go anymore.

I got to the front door and stopped. I felt Scott come up next to me, and I knew he'd never hurt me, I hoped.

"Alexander? If you aren't ready to go in yet, we can stay out here, or we can go straight through to the garden." His tone was soft, I smiled a little at how much he tried to help. I nodded softly and started walking inside, and he took me straight through to the garden like he said.

My eyes widened at the large space. I walked around for a moment before looking at Scott.

"I like it." I whispered to him with a small smile.

"Thank you Alexander. Avi and I recently moved in so its not complete yet, but its home." He looked around and smiled, it was nice to see.

I nodded and sat on the grass, I leaned back on my hands and closed my eyes, inhaling as a breeze flowed around me.

My mind was so at peace, and apart of me knew it was because Scott was here.

"Whats on your mind?" Scott wondered as he sat next to me, I opened my eyes and looked at him, he really was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen.

I just shrugged and smiled. I never talked to anyone but with him, I have the urge to try harder to do so.

I closed my eyes and soaked in the sun, this was a rarity for me, I hadn't been outside this long in years.

"ALLIE!" Kirstie voice caused me to jump up and look around for her. She came running at me, embracing me tightly. My eyes widened in fear and confusion. I pulled her off and looked at her worried.

"Hurt?" I traced my hands all over her body making sure she wasn't injured. 

"No silly! Avi said I could shower! I'm so excited!" She giggled and took my hand. I sighed in relief.

She tugged me to the side of the house there a hose was sitting. I looked over and saw Avi was watching us, which made me a little uneasy.

Kirstie picks up the hose and handed it to me.

"I'm going to get naked now." Kirstie giggled as she started stripping, in the corner of my eye I saw both Scott and Avi look away blushing, that was quite amusing.

I turned on the hose and stepped towards her, she shook a little in fright but she left me cover her in water. I used my other hand to watch away the dirt.

She smiled a little until I tilted her head back to wash her hair.

"NO!" She screamed and moved back. Her whole body was shaking badly, mainly before she was cold but also from the fear I was going to drown her.

I softly held out my hand for her and thankfully she took it. I smiled at her a little.

"I have to wash your hair. Close your eyes and lean your head back okay? I won't hurt you." I whispered only to her and she nodded a little before tilting her head back.

I slowly put the hose on her hair and ran my hands through it to clean it well, once I knew she relaxed I quickly washed her face, careful to avoid her nose and mouth.

Once she was all clean I turned off the hose and offered her my shirt to wear since hers were dirty.

"Thanks Allie." She put it on and it went almost to her knees, I smiled at how adorable she looked.

She hugged me quickly before skipping back to Avi with a bright smile. I sighed and glanced over at Scott, he was grinning at me.


"Nothing Alex." He smiled and kisses my temple softly before backing up. "I'm sorry. I-" I silenced him by taking his hand.

"It's okay." I smiled and he relaxed.

I watched Kirstie and Avi walk inside, Kirstie waved at me to come in and I hesitated.

"It's okay if you need more time." Scott whispered to me softly. I blushed a little.

"I- I wanna go in." I didn't look at him and I spoke.

"Are you sure?" He didnt move, just in case. I nodded and entwined our fingers.

He smiled brightly and lead me inside, and that was the moment I knew, I was finally home.

Yay! Sorry its not great but I hope to update this sooner. Ilysm

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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