Chapter 2. Secrets.

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Kirstie's POV

I couldn't help but feel excited. Allie and I were finally going home, I could feel like Avi and Scott were good Alpha's but I could also feel Alex's concerns about them which made me scared.

I gripped tightly on to Alex's hand as we walked to a car, he walked a little ahead of me. He always did this, just incase someone tried to hurt us he could protect me.

Alex use to speak to me all the time, he use to sing to me too, but that hasn't happened for a long time. He spoke only few words to me now, I really missed his voice.

"Here we are." Avi smiled sweetly as he gestured to the car, the paint looked new and so did the insides, that was a new experience for me. Avi opened the door for me and Scott did the same for Alex, I happily jumped in but Alex hesitated.

"Come on Allie! The seats are so soft!" I patted the seat next to me, and he slowly moved towards it. I held out my hand but of course he didn't take it, he has this weird thing about being touched.

"It's alright Alexander. Take your time." Scott stepped back a little to make Alex feel more at ease and Avi followed. Sure enough Alex slowly sat down, and closed the door gently.

Avi and Scott got in the front, with Avi behind the wheel.

"You need to put your seat belts on guys." Scott chuckled as he clicked his in, I smiled brightly as I did mine without any help.

"Come on Allie." I was jumping up and down with excitement, and Alex didn't appreciate it. He slowly clicked on his belt but kept adjusting it.

"Everything ok Alex?" Avi raised an eyebrow and all Alex could do was nod, so I answered for him.

"Alex was punished multiple times by seat belts." I spoke without thinking, I knew I messed up the moment I said it. Alex suddenly started hyperventilating and tried to get out but couldn't.

"Allie! Allie look at me." He looked over at me with pleading eyes. I smiled at him encouragingly.

"Look, these are good, they keep us safe!" I softly took his hand and he started calming down.

"S-safe?" He whispered and gestured to the belt. I nodded and smiled.

"Safe." I felt him relax a lot and his breathing went to normal. I stroked his hand softly until he took it away and stared out the window.

Alex was my best friend. He was hands down my favourite human in the whole world! He was the only family I had, but thats ok, we had each other, and thats all I've ever known.

I met Alex when I was 9 and he was 10, he was very nervous at first but he quickly warmed up to me.

I watched him grow up from a little boy into a adult over night and I was so proud of who he's become. 

The outside world zoomed passed us as we drove, it calmed me a lot but I knew that the uncertainty of what was coming next, terrified Alex. All i could hope was that where ever we were going, it brought back the Alex I once knew. Happy, talkative, Brave. He was now broken, and I wished I could make it better.

I softly took his hand again, against this will, and smiled at him as we pulled up into a drive way.

I climbed out and gasped at the house.

"It looks like a castle..." Avi chuckled as he offered me his hand.

"Thank you, would you like a tour?" I nodded and took his hand softly before looking back at Alex who hadn't gotten out yet, and Scott was trying to comfort him enough to get him to come out. I smiled fondly at Scott, he was a good Alpha, he cared about Alex a lot even though they just met.

As I walked inside I looked back and Alex was hugging himself at the front door, I wanted to go back and help him when Scott came over and said something that made him smile a little.

"He's gunna be alright." I muttered to myself with a smile before I walked with Avi up the stairs, we were both finally going to be alright, I could feel it.


SOOOO! This chapter isn't as great as the first one, but Alex's POV's all be better. Sorry this took forever to be published... Next chapter coming soon. ily.

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