Part 3: The Battle

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Our three heroes traversed the strange Mechonis Field in pursuit of the Trademaster, who has begun his attack. Can they defeat him & save the people of the Colony, while also getting back to Chertia? The tale will reach its end, & their final battle will begin.

Now, from Giron, we finally move to the eyes of the third hero, Hikari...


At once, the Trademaster sent off Fire Charges, even more than before, I counted 9 of them, 6 towards us, & 3 into the colony. Giron jumped & swung his sword, deflecting 2 of them back at the dark ball. Neva jumped backwards in an effort to dodge the charges, while I fired arrows at the 2 remaining fire charges headed our way, causing a few to be sent in different directions.

3 of the charges that were deflected flew in the direction of the Trademaster, who, with a quick wave, deflected them, though instead of flying back to the people on the ground, the fire charges went up in the air & exploded harmlessly. "Damn it..." he growled. "My aim's off..." 1 went off & hit a charge headed towards the colony, exploding in the air. However, the last 1 deflected started flying towards the colony along with the remaining two that were headed that way. Giron looked towards the charges headed into the colony.

"That... is not good..." he muttered. "Not good at all..." All of a sudden, he rushed after them. I looked over with a raised eyebrow.

"Aw, come on!" Neva yelled. "At least tell us when you're running off!" She looked at me, before she followed him.

"Oh no," I muttered under my breath, before taking a quick shot at the charges and following the two of them.

As we were running, I heard Giron say something. "I just have this bad feeling. Even worse than before, it's tugging at my heart. But I don't know why..." All of a sudden, I heard an explosion & Giron cry out. Once Neva & I caught up, I saw Giron on the ground, clutching what looked to be a little girl in his arms. The metal that covered his legs had blown clean off from the explosion, revealing his normal legs. Aside from that, they both looked unharmed.

"Are you okay, Giron?" I asked, hurrying over, but keeping an eye on the dark ball in the sky that was the Trademaster. Neva looked between the girl & Giron, before she began checking the girl for injuries. It was then I noticed her features. She looked only about 3 years old, yet her hair colour, & her face somewhat, was strikingly similar to Giron.

Speaking of, he got up &, letting go of the girl, & turned to me. "Yeah, I'm fine. And so is she." He turned to the girl. "What's your name?"

"Azura," the girl answered.

"Azura?!" Giron exclaimed suddenly. I looked at him. He looked like he was shocked.

Does he know this girl? I thought.

Giron shook his head & blew a short breath. "Okay, calm, calm," he softly muttered, before kneeling before Azura. "Well, Azura, where's your mother?" Azura turned & pointed at a house a bit further down. Giron breathed again. He was sweating, which seemed rather strange. "Alright, go." Giving the girl a push, Azura rushed towards the house & went inside. Giron then turned to us awkwardly. "Well..."

"Uhhh, you okay there, buddy? You look a bit... freaked out..." Neva asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You can explain later," I stated. He definitely knew who she was, but it didn't matter right now. "Or not if you don't want to, but first we need to distract the Trademaster away from the colony first. Any ideas?"

"Well..." Giron muttered. "The problem is, he's fixated on destroying this place. And if Alvis decides to get off his high horse & help, which I'm not sure he will-"

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