i. her

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i. her
     "she was a miracle that happened to him."


     li cheng xiu. turns out that she came back a day after her first disappearance.

     but ever since that day yixing said no, she kinda stopped hanging out with him.

     yixing didn't exactly know the reason to why she stopped hanging out with him, but he never had the guts or the courage to approach cheng xiu again. so they drifted apart.

      soon yixing was back to his old lonely six-year-old self. yet he's not a
child anymore. his thoughts were much more despairing. the optimistic things that was in his head when he was a child had gone pessimistic. the colorful hue of life was quickly dulled back into a dull white. he never dared to make any new friends.

     through the years yixing always admired her from afar.

     in middle school, he watched her grow up. she started wearing makeup, had a lot of girl friends, and watched her mature.

     in high school, he watched her grow into a beautiful girl. she was popular, had lots of friends and even had a boyfriend.

     there were even rumors that every time she disappeared one day and appeared the next, she had traveled across the country or the world to do something bucket list worthy.

    like how she went all the way to japan to attend a e-girls and exile concert, she even got a chance to go backstage without paying a thing; that was part of her charm.

    she went to thailand for a day just walking around and meeting people. she even took a thirteen hour plane ride all the way to los angeles to attend a music festival.

    and once she came back, she came home with a weird item that you wouldn't really buy for a souvenir.

    they say the weird souvenirs are for clues. yet no ones knows how or where to find them or what the clues are even for.

     and that was the catch.

     she was the most spontaneous, most adventurous girl he had ever met. a wildcard.

     a complete opposite from yixing.

     he's shy and normally plans for his future. a planner.

     maybe that was why she didn't hang out with him anymore. they had nothing in common.

     yixing always prayed that one day cheng xiu would notice him again.

     he wanted to restore the friendship they had, maybe to even something more.

     over the years yixing finally understood what that feeling was in his stomach. the more and more that he saw her, the more his stomach felt weird. and it wasn't just his stomach feeling all weird inside, he felt that his heart was beating faster and faster.

     could it be that he liked her?

     clearly he was being delusional and it was just the raging hormones that he never had a girlfriend yet.

     it was also their last year in high school. he wished and prayed that cheng xiu would confront him again, but he knew it was all too much to ask for.

     he needed to see her before he graduates. if not, he would already be in south korea.

     today at school he tried his best to get cheng xiu's attention. he kept on throwing stares at her every ten seconds, and when she looks back, yixing would always look back down at his work like nothing happened.

     that was the downside. he was too shy.

     when he had to present a presentation in front of the class, his eyes would always fall on her. his eyes widen and he suddenly starts sweating like he was in a blazing hot desert. his breathing quickens and his speech is all messed up.

     as all of the students laugh at him, cheng xiu stays quiet, giving a small smile at him before looking down at her work.

     nothing felt more heartbreaking when it looked like he just disappointed her.

     yet that wasn't true, it was just the voice in his head that cheng xiu hated him.

     and he couldn't get over the fact that he said no. that was his deepest regret.

     overall, cheng xiu was a miracle to yixing.


another short chapter
im sorry once again
they will become longer later :)

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