vi. pranks pt. 2

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vi. pranks pt. 2
     "why is it so small?"


mrs. zhang's gray mini van sat still at a curb with cheng xiu and yixing laughing at the nude picture of hong xian.

"why is it so small?" yixing exclaimed, clutching his stomach from laughing way too much.

"that's the exact reason why i didn't let him hook up with me." cheng xiu stated, laughing as equally hard as her friend.

"wait wait, hong xian sent you a dick pic?" yixing asked the girl in shock.

"ew don't remind me!" the girl grimaced at the disgusted image. "it's implanted into my mind now."

"drench your eyes bleach." yixing sarcastically suggested to the girl. "but don't actually do, cause i have a feeling that your willing to do that."

cheng xiu snaps, "aww, there goes next weekend's plans."

yixing laughs, "should we go to mei fen's house now?" he suggests, starting the engine of the van.

"yeah let's go!" the girl exclaims as she puts her feet on the dashboard.

     "dude, get off." yixing dictated as he pushes cheng xiu's legs off.

     "aww no fun." she whines, pulling her legs close to her body.

"why did we have to park so far away from mei fen's house?" the raven-haired boy leaned over a little bit to see the street signs.

"so we wouldn't be suspicious. plus we spent too much time just laughing at hong xian's dong, shao qing could've told her that i'm having another revenge plot." cheng xiu responded as they pulled up to mei fen's house.

"they know you do revenge plots?"

she nods, "yeah, i let them join me on one of them and i almost got caught."

yixing rolls his eyes and scoffs, "what kind of friends they are."

"do you think she's awake?" yixing changed the subject.

cheng xiu shakes her head, "it doesn't look like it, so i think we're all good."

the two exit out of the van. cheng xiu unzips her black backpack and throws a couple rolls of saran wrap towards yixing, "heads up." the girl warns, making yixing catch the three rolls, missing one.

yixing looks down at them, "so what are we saran wrapping?"

"her car." she replied as she dumped almost fifteen more saran wrap rolls on the hood of mei fen's yellow car.

"and one more thing," cheng xiu grabbed the three smaller fishes from the car. "we're putting this inside."

"more fish?"

the girl giggled, "hell yeah more fish!"

cheng xiu opened the drivers side door easily, "her car is also always open for the exact same reason." she informs, giving the two of the fish to yixing.

"this is disgusting." he grimaced once again, climbing the car and throwing the fishes inside.

"even though i hate your group of friends, i still feel bad for them." yixing stated before grabbing the saran wrap.

soon enough the two worked together wrapping the yellow beetle car. they repeatedly wrapped the sides and even the wheels of the car. occasionally, yixing threw the roll over the roof of the car to cheng xiu so she can roll the it under the car towards yixing. the two repeated that multiple times over the hood and the trunk of the car. the finish rolls of saran wrap were littered all over the ground surrounding the car.

yixing and cheng xiu step back to see their creation. the car was covered by so much wrap, the bright yellow color wasn't even visible anymore.

yixing chuckles, "i can't believe we wasted almost an hour of my life wrapping a beetle. but it was still worth it."

cheng xiu walks towards her backpack laying against the sidewalk. "here." she says, throwing the black spray paint at yixing.

he gazes at the bottle, cheng xiu also had one but in the color purple.

cheng xiu walks up to the car, spraying paint the hood of the car with her initials, lcx.

"your turn." she says to the boy next to her.

obliging, he takes off the cap and shakes the bottle a couple times. on the glass of the window, which was covered with the wrap, he spray paints his own initials, zyx.

he smiles wide, closing the spray paint; he notices his index finger was covered with the black spray paint.

"we're matching." cheng xiu points out, no pun intended, as she shows yixing her purple index finger.

without noticing the two's fingers touched, like in e.t. the memory flashed in their minds from when the we're little and was obsessed with that movie. the did that often as a new way of a high five.

"remember when we used to do this a lot?" yixing spoke.

cheng xiu nods in response, "yeah, it was stupid and weird but we still did it anyway."

"that's true."

cheng xiu was the first one to take her finger away, leaving yixing in the same place.

she clears her throat, "let's go xing juan's house."

     "y-yeah." the raven-haired boy nods, following the girl to the car.

     yixing drives away, leaving a mess of mei fen's car.

"that one was a little more tame." he spoke, braking the awkward silence.

"not the next one." cheng xiu added with a smirk.

"is it more worse than the nude pic of hong xian?" the boy questions.

cheng xiu hums, putting her index finger (without the spray paint) on her chin, "i think it's the same thing, but it's worse since he's gonna have to live with it for a couple of months."

"months?" yixing exclaimed.

the dark-haired girl next to him nodded, "yup."

"i'm somehow excited for this."

"you should be."


forgive my sins
rolls counter: seven
wrap counter: ten

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