xii. abandon

87 11 7

xii. abandon
"what is this place?"


yixing tapped the end of his pencil rhythmically as he watched the clock tick by. it was two minutes away from the bell to ring for after school study session was over. the whole time he couldn't stop thinking, about her. as usual he was distracted even if she wasn't there with him.

finally, as the bell rung the male quickly gathered his things and stuffed them in his bag. slinging the bag over his shoulder, he speeds out of the classroom, running down the hall, and out of the building.

today he had decided to take his bike to school so he could easily go to the location he planned to go to.

holding the small white paper in his mouth, since both hands were on the handle bars, he takes the paper with his left hand. as he unfolds the paper and reads the address again, his eyes were completely off the road. quickly looking he realizes that he was almost ran over a couple pedestrians, hence the loud shrieks he heard.

"i'm sorry!" he shouted at the old woman.

the place turned out to be a little farther than he thought, it almost took him fifteen minutes to get to the place.

soon enough, after what seemed like forever, yixing finally reached to correct place.

his feet dragged against the gravel and distressed concrete, still sitting on the bike, his right foot was planted on the ground. he looked up to see an abandoned building. posters and boards covered the window of the abandoned convenient store and graffiti decorated the walls of the store.

he hesitated and acted reluctant before heading inside.

"is this the correct place?" he placed both of his feet on the ground, looking at the note again.

after spending a couple minutes making sure it was the right place, which it was, he leads his bike near the store door.

     "this is stupid." he says under his breath, trying to open the door.

     locks had been implemented inside, stopping him from opening the door. he jiggled the handle bar harshly, but it didn't seem to budge. giving up, he started to walk around perimeter of the building.

     he placed hands in his pockets as he kicked around the walls of the place nonchalantly, slowly finding himself in the same spot he started at. sighing at himself, he takes a step back, looking for another way to get in. around the frame of the entrance, a hole big enough to fit a large dog.

"oh no." yixing sighs to himself. butterflies filled his stomach; not only did he lowkey did not want to go in there, he still had to do it. for cheng xiu.

"do i really have to do this?" he scratches the back of his neck.

lowering down, he turns on the flashlight on his phone to inspect the inside. he didn't see anything but dust and old flaking posters on the floor.

"here goes nothing." he says, crawling through the jagged hole in the wall.

yixing pats off all the dust from his hands and pants before turning the light on his phone once again.

taking a look around, it was just any ordinary convenient store but it was obviously trashed and abandoned. the shelves were still up, holding grime and expired bags of snacks. the posters, boards and debris crunched under his shoes; the covers books and magazines flaked off of its exterior. the tall, plastic post card stand laid still on the ground and the many small hole in the decaying building shined light through them. graffiti was also all over the interior of the store, profanities covered every inch of the place.

     "what the hell is this place?" yixing coughs as he accidentally drops one of the really dusty magazine on the floor.

nothing really looked like cheng xiu was here at all. but noticing the multiple holes in the wall, one of them revealed that there was another side. curious to what it was, yixing hurried and searched the wall to find more holes that he could fit into. moving aside many fallen shelves and boxes, he fortunately finds a hole similar to the size he entered the building. this time he really did not want to go in there, it was much darker, who knows could've been in there?

"i hate this so much." he mutters, crawls through the hole once again.

repeating what he had done in the other room, it was the same thing, but it was smaller and looked more like an office. the desk was laid up against the tagged wall with its chair laying in the middle of the room.

the aura of the room gave yixing shivers; it definitely feels like someone was just here.

passing by the suspicious chair, he looks on the walls of the building once again. the shelves had only atlases on them of the country and also the world.

curiously picking up one of them, he sets it back down just a second after. looking around a little more on the wall, he spots and discolored place on the wall. it had a shape of a map with small holes in a squiggly line, like how you pinned a location on a map. it looked like the person who did this had it on the wall for the longest time, and had just took it off the wall.

turning his head, his eyes widened. a message was on the wall across from him, it was written in spray paint, specifically the purple spray paint she used that night.

"you'll go to paper towns and never come back." he says out loud.


i've been
out of the
loop so my
writing sucks rn

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