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It started out really well. That was until Ms. Hem-

I mean Liz left the room. 

"Soooo," Ben said dragging the "o".

"Don't Ben," Luke said.

"Don't what Lukey?" he said with a grin on face.

"You know what," Luke replied then holding my hand under the table.

Other then the utensils hitting the plate, it was silent for awhile.

"Have you guys done it yet?" Jack asked like it was a totally normal question to ask causing me to choke on my food a bit.

"Jack!" Luke yelled making the boys laugh.

"We've been dating for 3 days!"

"We know Luke! We're just poking fun, cause this was totally expected!" Jack said.

"I bet it would happen your 18th birthday though,"

"I don't think it was that obvious," I said.

"You weren't living with him," Ben said, "I remember the day Luke came home after meeting you and Calum."

"He came in the house screaming, Ben! Ben! I made a friend and he has a pretty sister!!" he said mimicking a child.

"Really?" I said raising an eyebrow and then laughing.

"Oh my god," Luke said muffled covering his face. "This is gonna be such a long night."

.: a.n. :.

dedicated to @morganalexis123

thank you for being the first comment on the first re-made chapter and it being positive

sorry this was short

jmph xx 5soslostgirl

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