Prologue - You're my best friend

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The sun was finally shining down. I really wanted to play outside. I remember I was so upset because my mom didn't let me go to the park. She said it was still very cold, but the day before we had learned at school that it was the first day of spring.

​I remember thinking that spring was the time when the flowers bloomed, the butterflies flew around, the sun started shining and it didn't rain so much. Finally it was the time to go to the park and have a good time.

Well, I was so eager to play outside that I run from home and went to the park nevertheless. I took my favorite yellow coat and the green wool scarf my nana had made for me and sprinted to the playground. Get to thinking about it, I was really adventurous at only six years old!

​When I got there I saw a couple of children from school running around while their mothers chitchatted, my friend Cameron and his two little twin sisters, Moira and Lucy, going down a slide and also a boy I didn't know that was on the swings. He had dark brown hair and light brown eyes, almost green. I remember that he was wearing a pair of blue pants and a lumberjack red shirt under a thick black coat. He looked like a sweet little camper and even though he was alone, he didn't seem sad or upset, he had a big goofy smile on. I think that was the reason why I went to play with him.

​"Mm... Hi", I nervously said, "My name is Irene. Can I sit on the swing by you?", he looked my way and I felt butterflies in my belly.

"Of course. Hi! I'm Adam", he said giving me a toothy smile, "Irene, you're cute", he added. My cheeks reddened at his words, but I smiled sheepishly, sat my behind on the swing and started giving me impulse with my tiny feet.

​Adam and I spent a while playing and talking: we both loved The Flintstones and The Looney Tunes, eating cupcakes and playing outside when the weather was good like that day. He also told me that he really liked music. His late grandfather used to always play old and modern records when Adam came to visit and it was something that they both loved to do together. I told him that I liked singing but didn't know a lot of songs. "I can teach you! I know thousands of thousands different songs and next September I'm gonn' start playing piano", he enthusiastically said.

​Adam was a little nerdy ball of energy, but I liked that about him. I learned that his family had recently moved to the neighborhood, because his mother had found a new job at the local hospital. She was a doctor. I was really happy, because I had a new friend, and he was going to my school starting the next week!

​My time at the park was cut short when my mom found me. She seemed angry but relieved at the same time. I said my goodbyes and ran to where my mom was waiting for me. ​

​"Irene, I've been worried sick! Don't disappear again like that, you hear me? Let's go home, it's getting late", mom said while grabbing my hand in her warm one.

"Sorry, mommy, I really wanted to play. And I made a new friend, he's new and is coming to school next week. His name is Adam and he loves The Flintstones like me, and he sings and he is gonna teach me thousands of thousands of songs, and...". Well, I really couldn't stop talking on the way home.

​Just when we were in front of our house, I heard someone calling me. I turned and there it was, my new friend. "Irene... my-my... mom said... to tell yo-your mom if you... if you could come home... next Saturday", he said, panting. Then I saw a woman who I assumed was Adam's mother getting out of a blue car and coming towards us, who then introduced herself.

"Sorry, I'm Chloe Mills, this little devil's mom", she said, at the same time shaking my mom's hand.

"Dahlia Martin. Nice to meet you", mom said.

Adam's mom bent a little and smiled at me. "I assumed you are Irene?", I nodded yes and she continued talking with my mom. "My son told me that he had made a special new friend and as we moved two houses over, I told him to come and ask politely", she said, grinning, and looking at Adam, who blushed a little, and then continued talking with mom. "Well, I told him to ask you if it was OK to have a little playdate next weekend. He literally didn't let me finish talking and simply went up and running", she shook her head laughing. Adam took my hand and we left our moms chatting. We got to my front yard bench and sat.

​"Irene, can I ask you something?", he asked without looking me in the eyes.

"Sure. Anything", I answered eagerly waiting.

"You wann' be my friend? My friend Curtis said that girls have cooties and it's contagious, but you don't have that... do you? You are fun, you know, but I don't want to get infected...", he finally look my way. He was really serious now.​

I laughed out loud, smacked a hard kiss on his cheek and said, "I'm not sick, silly! And we will be the ​bestest friends!", I ran inside my home and before shutting the door I added, "see you next Saturday, Addy!"​

​I took the steps to my room two at a time and ran for the window. I opened the blinds just in time to see Adam safely getting home with his mom, but just before entering, he turned and waved me goodbye with a funny military salute. Then I closed the blinds and washed myself for dinner. I was so excited that I almost couldn't sleep that night, until the exhaustion made me dive into an ocean of dreams.

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