Chapter 1: Up In Flames

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I didn't usually walk past the research facility on my way home from class, but when an explosion lit the sky one Thursday evening, I decided to detour.

Short of a lab rat escaping on Monday, this was the most exciting thing to happen all week.

I walked blindly, ears ringing. My face and bare legs prickled from the blast of heat.

The spots in my vision cleared as I rounded the corner onto Industrial Street. The building loomed against the black sky, eight storeys high with towers and smoke stacks. A barbed wire fence barricaded everything but the front entrance, where a tombstone-like sign read, ACE Research Facility.

Flames licked the sky from several windows in the north tower.

The police were outside, a carnival of blue and red lights. A handful of frightened-looking people stood clustered to the side — probably late-working employees.

I considered pulling out my phone but decided against it. A group of high school students was already filming. Besides, I didn't know what I'd do with the footage or who I'd show it to.

The front doors burst open.

Two policemen dragged a handcuffed man from the building

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Two policemen dragged a handcuffed man from the building.

"They can't keep this away from the public! America has the right to everything inside!"

"Clearly you don't understand the idea of a private research facility," said one of the officers.

Behind them, the flames reached higher, consuming several storeys and creating a building-sized bonfire. I wondered what the cops would do if I pulled out marshmallows and a box of graham crackers. I giggled. The high school students looked over, whispered something to each other, and walked away.

Over my shoulder, a man spoke.

"Well, someone's getting fired for this."

I turned. "Oh, I don't know. I'd say they put the lit in facility."

I found myself facing a young man, about my age. The first thing I noticed about him was his smile. His thin lips curled upwards, pulling back from a perfect row of teeth. His eyebrows arched in a mysterious, almost wicked way, but for the soft eyes beneath them. His green irises glinted in the flames as they travelled from my blond hair, down my V-neck shirt, to my skirt, and then back to my face.

"You all right?" he said. "You weren't inside, were you?"

I tried to speak, but my tongue wouldn't cooperate. His concern for me was adorable.

I turned back to the flaming building. "I was just passing."

"Do you know what happened?"

"Arson. They cuffed someone."

Even without looking at this stranger, I found it hard to speak. He smelled so good. Was that chocolate?

The side of my body nearest him became warmer than the side nearest the flames.

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