Chapter 9: Down In Flames

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Mister J's silver revolver sat heavy and cold in my fist. Ivy strode next to me down the empty street, swift and silent, red hair covered by a black hoodie. Her confidence was everything I needed to keep walking.

I extended an arm and stopped her before we turned onto Industrial Street. "He's probably waiting."

She passed me a travel-sized shampoo bottle containing the toxins. All I had to do was open it, and Mister J would be unconscious in seconds.

Ivy held on for a moment. "Inside, right? Don't open this anywhere except an enclosed space. I haven't tested it enough and it might knock out everyone nearby."

Except you, was the unfinished part of the sentence. My arm ached where she'd injected me.

I slipped the bottle inside my bomber jacket and turned.

"You're better than him, Harley," said Ivy. "Remember that when he tries to get inside your head."

I hesitated, then kept walking. Though she'd been telling me so, I didn't know if I believed it. I'd committed crimes just as terrible.

Still, I wouldn't have done any of this if not for him. He was out of control, and I was the only one who could get close enough to stop him. I had to put an end to this while I had some sanity left.

You sure about the sanity part? said a voice in my head, as I strolled towards ACE with a blood-red smile painted from ear to ear.

Mister J was waiting for me in the alley near the ACE Research Facility sign, wearing a purple blazer that I might have once considered adorable. I stopped several feet away.

"Ready, pumpkin?" he said.

I gritted my teeth at that tone. He spoke like nothing had happened — like this was date night, same as always.

"Ready, puddin'."

I hoped my tone was the same.

We crept around to the gap in the fence from which we'd escaped last time. A floodlight illuminated the gaping hole in the building. Scaffolding snaked up the side and loose sheets of plastic flapped in the wind.

Mister J took careful aim — with my pistol, I noted with anger — and shattered the bulb.

Mister J took careful aim — with my pistol, I noted with anger — and shattered the bulb

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Plunged into darkness, we moved hastily before security would come to investigate. I followed Mister J, climbing the scaffolding with quick hands and feet.

Sure enough, the Chemical Firearms room had been cleared. Wind blew through the space with a hollow sound. I shivered.

"As I suspected," said Mister J. "Empty as the Batman's skull."

I followed him across the room, giving the barely patched hole in the floor a wide berth.

"I imagine they'll be on the same floor. A lot of work to move all those goods." Carefully, he unlocked the door and grasped the handle. "When I open this, we need to move fast, baby. You ready?"

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