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“Do you even fucking care about me anymore?” you yelled at the top of your lungs, gripping your fists tight as you let the tears fall down your face.

“I do! I’ve just been busy with the guys, you know I fucking care!” Ryan hissed back. You looked down at the floor and let out a heavy tut.

You’re always with the guys.” you whispered, in between what now became silent sobs. 

“If I could be with you all day everyday I would be,” he started confessing before he walked over to you and tilted your head up so you could look into deep his eyes “But I can’t and I’m sorry.” He sounded extremely upset at that point. You hit his hand away before storming away into the bathroom to clean up your smudged make up, you grabbed the handle of your bathroom and let the cold metal release a brisk vibe into your hand. You slammed the door behind you before heading to your room, peering down the hallway to see Ryan playing reading something probably trying to get the spiteful words out of his head, you knew that he hated it when you implied that he didn’t care about you, because he did more than anything else on Earth, you were there through his childhood struggle, through the abuse, tears, and loss of ambition, you could tell the way you hurt him by the way he slouched on the sofa, you looked at him with a small grin.

“(Y/N)? Can we talk?” he said noticing your presence.

“Yeah, sure.” you said in a much calmer tone than before, “Come here.” you said walking towards the bedroom you shared. Ryan nodded and stood up, you walked in the bedroom and he entered shortly after.  

“I love you a lot, and I don’t want you to think just because I’m always busy with the band that I do any less than the first time I told you, you’re beautiful and amazing, please don’t think any less of yourself. I’m really really sorry.” he said looking down, probably not wanting to make eye contact.

“I know I snapped, I’m just tired I guess I’m not sorry too though, I had to get my feelings out.” You said taking your bracelets off and placing them on your dresser. “I guess I’ll go to bed.” you said removing your shirt and pants as Ryan did the same. You brushed your hair away from your neck and attempted to remove your necklace, but failed horribly.

“Let me get that for you babe.” Ryan said using his skilled hands to undue your necklace, pressing up his warm body up against your back, sending a warm passion throughout your entire body, making you gasp slightly. Ryan realized the effect he had on you and started to kiss down your neck, licking, biting, and nibbling at your most sensitive spots, making you let out a light moan before he gripped his hands around your waist and pulling you towards him.

“Oh my god Ryan.” you sighed. 

“If you’re not sorry already, I’ll make you sorry."  He whispered demandingly against your skin “Get on the bed.” He commanded before walking over to it himself and lying down, you sat on top of him, straddling him, one knee on the each side of his crotch, you bent down and started kissing down his collar bone all the way down to his boxers, which you tugged on slightly “Not so fast baby.” He said laughing. He said you down on your back and hovered over you, he ran his warm hand up your back and fumbled around with your bra hook until it popped open and threw it so the side. You panted at the cold air hit your newly exposed skin; Ryan slowly demolished it.

“Ryan….” You moaned.  He smiled; you knew that he loved when you moaned his name like that. He brought his lips to your mouth and you kissed you deeply as he slipped your underwear around your ankles and threw it on the floor, adding it to the pile of clothes on the ground. He pressed a finger inside of you, making your body burn with sensuality. You let out a long moan as he started to slowly pump in and out. “More…” you moaned, he added another digit, making you arch your back. He ripped them out faster than expected, making you pant. He took his length and provoked your clit with it, making you beg for more “Ry, please stop teasing and fuck me already.” He grinned at the fact that you were so desperate for him.

“Not yet.” He said, you knew that he was gonna tease you horribly tonight. He kissed up your leg, you thrusted upwards, but he held a tight grip on you, making it impossible for you to do anything else, he was in control tonight, no doubt about that. He got to your slit which he licked teasingly.

“Ryan, please stop.” You screamed. “I’m fucking sorry.” You said and he slowly laid his tongue on your middle, demolishing you, making you buck your hips.

“Stay still.” He said in a voice deeper than usual, it was very erotic and sexy, something you didn’t see too often from him.

“Ryannnn, oh my fuck.” You moaned as you slowly reached your climax. “Im gonna…” he immediately stopped “Don’t cum yet.” He demanded. He positioned himself at your entrance and pushed in fast and started to slowly pump in and out as you thrusted upwards onto him.

“Holy shit (Y/N)” he moaned. "You’re so fucking tight.” You placed one hand in his hair and gripped tight making it messy, but to you it was extremely sexy, he hissed in pain and your other hand was busy creating  deep scratches on his back, which he didn’t mind, it was just a reminder that he made you feel amazing. You slowly approached your high and so did he, you screamed each other’s names “(Y/N)” he cried “I’m so fucking close.” He moaned.

“Ugh, Ryan.” You said as you released onto him and a few seconds later he also finished. He plopped next to you and breathlessness filled the air.

“I love you…” you said. “I love you too.” He said kissing you on the cheek, and you both eventually fell asleep.

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