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by thepatricktreestump on tumblr

Incognito window.
Type in the link.
Sign into your account.
Click the livestream button.
Ease into your chair.
Watch as the viewers filed in, eyes fixed on you.
And let the fun begin.

Honestly, you had been doing it before you even met Ryan. In a way, it was your own secret guilty pleasure. Why would you put perfectly good lingerie and sex toys to waste when you could spend a couple hours fooling around with your web cam and a couple submissive men on the internet? It was such an easy catch every single time. Hell, half of the time they'd get boners before you even uncovered anything. Just a flirty wink and a seductive lip bite and you had them wrapped around your finger. Especially the public livestreams, where everyone could see you, the comments filing in as your hands roamed your body... It was an adrenaline rush, a great orgasm, and a thrilling experience. So when you started dating Ryan, it only became even better. It was like your own small sexy secret, something to keep to yourself, your own small naughty little sin.
"Hey babe," Ryan greeted when he entered the apartment and you quickly logged out, shutting down the incognito window, slamming down your laptop screen, hopping in the bed and snuggling under the blankets in just enough time for him to open up the door and give you a sly smile.
"Hey," you whispered.
"Is this what you've been doing while I'm in the studio?" he rolled his eyes, sitting on the bed next to you. "Geez I'm tempted to join you."
"Then join me," you smirked.
"I'd love to," he hummed, laying down and placing his head right beside yours on the pillow. "But I've got work I have to do."
"Come on," you whined playfully, wrapping an arm around him when he looked down, glancing up at you.
"Are you wearing any clothes, baby?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Maybe yes, maybe no," you shrugged, eyeing him carefully.
"So this is what you do when I'm gone," he chuckled softly, wrapping his arms around you and kicking off the blanket, leaving your body exposed. "Just lay in bed without any clothes on, probably waiting for me to get back, hmm?"
"Sure," you teased, placing a kiss on his lips before rolling out of bed, picking up a random baggy shirt from the floor and putting it on. "I think I'm going to take a shower. You go finish up that work."
"I just got here," he argued. "It's so comfy."
"Later tonight," you promised. You loved leading him on just to turn him down. It often built up the anticipation for what was to follow.
"Fine," he complied. "You go take a shower." You were halfway out the door when he spoke up again. "And hey?"
"Yeah?" you turned around, staring at him.
"You look really fucking great in my t-shirt," he murmured.
"I know I do," you grinned before walking out the door and heading towards the bathroom.

"Try not to moan so loud when you're touching yourself in there!" he called out playfully and you smirked.
"Whatever!" you shouted back jokingly.
You slipped off the fabric of his t-shirt, taking a moment to breathe in the scent of warm maple syrup and calming tea before turning on the warm water. Humming softly, you stepped into the shower, letting the droplets scatter upon your shoulders before sliding down your back, closing your eyes, mind slipping off into a distant memory. It felt like just yesterday you were in the crowd, making your way to the front of the bar, desperate to know who was playing the music, locking eyes with the skinny boy with the Peter Pan hair and the innocent lips, fingers traveling up the neck of his bass, the same boy who you'd escape with later that night. You remembered the smoke in the air and the taste of his lips and the way he smiled and how gentle and fragile he felt in your arms but how desperate and persistent his body felt against yours, and when you were both nothing but fabric shed on the floor and skin craving for something more. It was then that you both knew very well this wouldn't be the last time you'd share a night alone in a room.
When you stepped out, shutting off the stream, wrapping a towel around your body and squeezing the water from your hair, you heard the soft acoustic melody meet your ears from the sofa in the living room. You gave a small smile, walking out into the room and listening to him sing as he strummed on the strings, a melancholy sort of song. The tune was soft and sweet, slow and delicate, lyrics along the lines of diamonds and broken glass. "That's beautiful," you whispered when he finished, and he turned around, surprised to see you there.
"Not as beautiful as you," he responded with a grin and you rolled your eyes.
"Come here," he instructed, placing the guitar on the ground as you walked over to him. "Drop the towel for me, baby."
"Magic word?" you teased.
"Please," he looked up at you, pleading puppy dog eyes and pleading expression on his face.
"Only for you," you smirked, dropping the towel to the floor and sitting on his lap, wrapping your legs around him as he pulled you in for a soft kiss, his hands roaming your body.
"You're so gorgeous," he breathed against your neck, placing soft kisses down your skin.
"Don't let me distract you," you shook your head, pulling away and scooping up the towel and sliding off his lap. "Get back to work."
"You always distract me," he rolled his eyes, and you blew him a kiss before exiting the room, giving a soft smile when you heard the return of soft guitar chords and the faint singing. Sometimes you couldn't tell whether he was singing song lyrics or reciting poetry, the words were so sweet.
Entering the bedroom, your eyes flickered at the laptop laying on the desk. You were already practically naked, plus Ryan was busy with his songs, a couple minutes of a public livestream wouldn't hurt, right? Temptation lingered in your mind before you reached for the laptop, locking the door of the bedroom and positioning it at the edge of the mattress while you typed in the familiar website, signed into your account, and scrolled until you found the livestream button. You wrapped your towel around yourself and clicked the button, smirking as the viewers filed in, keeping the towel loosely wrapped around your body, showing off just enough cleavage and biting your lower lip. "You like that?" you whispered for them to hear. You chuckled softly to yourself as you read the comments.
What a dirty little slut.
Be a good girl and drop the towel, sweetheart.
Let us see that body!
"So pushy," you clicked your tongue with teasing hint of disapproval, watching the rest of the comments scroll by. There was a good handful of people in by now, and you were just about ready to start. You paused a moment just to listen to the faint noise of guitar chord strums, knowing very well Ryan wasn't paying any attention, and then flickered your eyes back to the screen. "Ready for some fun?"
Fuck, she's taking forever.
Enough with the teasing, give us what we want.
Come on, you whore.
Show us something!
"Show you something?" you smirked, dropping the towel instantly and giving them a great view of your tits. "How about this? Hmm?"
Holy shit.
That's what I'm talking about!
Give us more!
Hot damn....
A smile crept on your lips as you took one of your breasts in your hands, giving it a good squeeze and letting out a soft moan, slowly opening your eyes and watching the comments slide down quickly. More viewers filed in and you gave a slight chuckle.
Move the camera lower!
Absolutely gorgeous.
Let's see some more of what you have to offer, baby.
"What?" you raised an eyebrow. "You want to see more?"
Yes please!
Stop being a brat and show us that good pussy.
Behave for us, princess.
Come on you whore.
"I don't know..." you sighed, resisting the urge to grin as they became more agitated. You loved playing with them like this. That's when you shoved your towel off the bed, ready to tilt your laptop screen at just the right angle when the last thing you expected happened. There was a knock on the door.
Not so alone, huh?
Naughty, naughty girl.
Who might that be?
Mm something's going down!
Ignore it and give us a good show, baby!
Was that a knock on the door?
You cringed at the comments and frantically searched for the small x on the corner of the screen when there was another knock on the door and then a voice, practically giving you a heart attack. "What are you up to in there?" Ryan wondered and you froze, instantly paralyzed with guilt.
"Nothing..." your faint voice responded, deciding to instead just shut the motherfucking laptop and place it behind you in a panicked sweat, then whipping your head around the room searching for some clothes. "Uh, just getting changed."
"I think I heard you say something earlier," he argued. "Come on babe, open up the door."
"Hold on-" you begged, picking up another one of his shirts up off the floor in a rush and sliding it on before racing to the door and opening it, trying your best to catch your breath and look as composed as comfortable as possible. "Hey."
"You okay, y/n?" he inquired, eyeing you up and down.
"Yup," you nodded a little too quickly for his liking, your brain still frantically trying to piece this all together. Plus, what the fuck were you supposed to do with the viewers in the livestream?
"Y/n," Ryan narrowed his eyes. "Come on."
"What?" you tried to argue as innocently as possible. "I was just changing!"
"Into one of my dirty t-shirts," he stated flatly.
"You know I love your clothes," you counteracted, actually proud of yourself for coming up with a quick fix and a believable lie.
"You just got out of the shower," he rolled his eyes. "Plus, you're wearing it inside out."
"Huh?" you looked down instantly to find that indeed, you were wearing one of his shirts inside out, and you turned red with embarrassment.
"Seriously, I mean, I can even tell you're not even wearing a bra or underwear baby," he sighed. "What were you doing?"
"Nothing," you persisted.
"I heard you talking and I'm pretty sure it was not to yourself," he pointed out. "And now my shirt and... what's on the bed?" He craned his neck and saw the discarded towel on the floor, the laptop not even fully closed laying on the mattress, and you could've sworn your heart stopped beating.
"Ryan-" his name barely even escaped your lips and you watched in horror as he crossed the room slowly, eyeing you carefully before picking up the laptop.
"Do you want to explain or should I find out on my own?" he gave you a last chance, but it was useless. You were a blubbering, stammering, nervous wreck, your mind not even able to string together a coherent sentence.
"J-just look for yourself," you choked out defeated.
Ryan stared at you strangely before opening the laptop, blinking twice with a blank expression on his face, swallowing uncomfortably before slowly shifting his gaze back to you. "Were you, uh, on a porn website?" he wondered. The second his eyes meet yours you feel like you just might shrink. Except there was something in his gaze you couldn't seem to recognize. Lust, almost, maybe jealousy. You couldn't quite tell. He returned his attention back to the computer screen and you could tell from the way his expression changed that he was just now fully understanding what was going on, his expression turning to curiosity, and you knew very well he was probably reading the comments. His brown eyes grew dark, his brow furrowed, biting down on his lower lip. There was a moment of silence that passed before he spoke again. You could practically hear your heart beating out of its chest. "The livestream's still on, you know."
"Yeah," you were barely able to whisper back.
"Then continue what you were doing," he stated.
"What?" your eyes almost fell out of their sockets.
"I want to see you, y/n," he rephrased it. "Come on, continue the livestream. Show them what they want, baby. I'm sure you know what to do."
"Babe..." you stared at him in disbelief, your feet frozen in place, not daring to even inhale another breath. There was no way you were doing that.
"Go on," he urged, handing you the laptop. You watched as he pulled a chair from the desk across the room and positioned it in front of the bed, perfect view of where you had been sitting previously, crossing his hands over his chest, eyes fixed on you. "I'm not going to tell you again."
You inhaled a shaky breath and then placed the laptop on the edge of the bed, sitting in front of it and closing your eyes tight before opening them up again, staring at the screen and trying to forget that Ryan was sitting right there watching you. Glancing at the comments you surprised a grin. "Miss me much?" you smirked.
There she is.
What the fuck was that all about?
Cute boyfriend!!!
Did he leave?
Show us that beautiful body!
"You want to see me, hmm?" you raised an eyebrow. "I suppose I've made you all wait long enough, yeah?"
Come on, give us something!
I'm dying over here.
Take off the shirt!
Smiling, you slipped the shirt up off your body and tucked your hair behind your ear, trying to ignore the fact that Ryan was there and you looked at the comments which were now sliding down the screen at a rather reckless pace. You could barely read them all.
Spread those gorgeous legs, baby.
Fuck that's what I've been waiting for.
Body to kill for!
Holy motherfucking shit.
"You like this?" you raised an eyebrow, slipping a hand down your chest towards your stomach and even lower, separating your legs slowly and sliding your hand over your center. You heard a gasp and you looked up, realizing it wasn't from your lips, but instead, Ryan's. You gave a sly smile and watched as he blushed, caught with his own hand in between his legs, making you even more turned on. The comments never stopped.
God that's hot.
You're so fucking wet for us, you dirty whore.
Show us more of that pretty pussy, baby!
Be a good slut and let out a moan.
Finger yourself so fucking good.
"Damn," you sighed, easing your back into the bed and slipping a finger into your core, closing your eyes. You pumped it in and out, rubbing your clit in small circles and letting out some soft moans before inserting another finger, this time gasping and knowing very well Ryan was watching. However, instead of being embarrassed, shy, or hesitant this time, you fucking owned it. Let him watch if he wanted. Hell, why would you ever deny someone a good show?
"Fuck baby, I can't stand it," you heard him mutter and you looked up, confused, when you realized Ryan was getting up from his chair, exposing an extremely obvious hard on inside his skinny jeans. "I need you."
"Hey-" you began to protest when he climbed on top of you on the mattress. He was capturing your lips in a kiss and pushing you down, his hands pinning yours above your head, sliding his tongue into your mouth before trailing his lips down your jaw, your neck, your breasts, your stomach, licking a stripe down your folds before working its way up again. "You're all mine, baby."
"Goddammit Ryan," you let out a shaky breath as his hands and mouth roamed your body.
"That's right," he whispered in your ear, kissing you on the lips before unzipping his jeans and tugging them down with his boxers, kicking them aside and lining up with your entrance. "All mine." He thrust into you and you gasped. He started to gain a rhythm and you wrapped your legs around his waist, slipping your tongue into his mouth as he rocked your body back and forth in sync with his, sinking deeper and deeper every time.
"Shit you feel so good baby," you moaned softly against his neck as he got faster, edging you close to your climax.
"Better than all that teasing with the camera, hmm?" he wondered, letting go of his grip on your wrists and letting your hands instantly fall to his shoulders, pulling him closer to you, his hands on your hips to steady him. "You. Are. Mine."
"Fuck," you gasped, feeling a familiar warmth pool within your stomach. "Ryan..."
"Come on baby," he urged. "You're not going to give in that quick, are you?"
"I can't-" you barely choked out before cumming, moaning out his name and digging your fingernails into his shoulders, your body shaking with waves of euphoria as he kept sliding in and out. It wasn't long before he came too, gasping and losing control as an orgasm took him, burying his face in the crook of your neck and mumbling a string of curse words.
"Fuck y/n," he sighed, slowly pulling out and then curling you up in his arms, placing a kiss on your forehead. "I love you."
"I love you too," you replied, struggling to catch your breath.
"You're so fucking good," he murmured, kissing your lips. The two of you laid there with arms wrapped around each other, struggling to catch your breath, recovering from the amazing sex you had both just experienced. Several moments passed before you came to a realization, taking a couple seconds to let it sink in before you decided to draw attention to it.
"You know they were watching all of that right?" you smirked.
"What?" Ryan's eyes went wide, just now realizing what had gone down.
"Yup," you chuckled softly, placing a soft kiss on his lips. "You're fully exposed now, baby."
"Shit," he mumbled, looking at the laptop that was still miraculously perfectly positioned at the edge of the bed, instantly shutting it closed with his foot.
"What?" you raised an eyebrow, amused. "You embarrassed?"
"Huh?" he looked at you, the obvious blush in his cheeks and worried eyes saying it all.
"You're cute you know," you reassured. "I bet they thought you were hella hot."
"Whatever," he rolled his eyes. "I'm just the cranky over possessive boyfriend."
"Yeah but being dominant is sexy," you winked.
"Being dominant means I get to give out punishments," he reminded and you swallowed uncomfortably, starting to let the entire reality of the situation sink in.
"So..." you trailed out the word. "Am I, uh, going to get in trouble for being naughty?"
"What do you mean?" he wondered, confused.
"The whole livestreaming on Pornhub thing," you reminded. "Remember?"
"Oh, that?" he laughed. "Babe, I thought that was fucking hot as hell."
"Really?" you raised your eyebrows, surprised. "You like that?"
"Shit y/n, that was, that was..." he searched for the right word but failed to find it. "Just really fucking hot."
"What did you like about it?" you gave a sly smile.
"The teasing and the putting on a show and how cocky and arrogant you were and just, fuck. It was such a turn on," he closed his eyes tight and opened them again. "Surprised me."
"So you didn't mind?" you asked carefully.
"I was kind of jealous," he confessed.
"But you enjoyed it," you pointed out. "You loved it."
"I did love it," Ryan admitted shyly.
"So you'd do it again?" you inquired.
"Huh?" his eyes went wide.
"You'd do it again?" you repeated, hopeful gaze meeting his.
"I don't know," he smirked. "Looks like we'll just have to wait until next time to find out."

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