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You propped yourself up against your bed as Ryan laid comfy in your beanbag chair. You’d been playing X Box for hours when you decided to give it a break and notice each others existence outside of Halo. 

“So Ryan, want to play a game?” you asked jokingly

“I think we had enough of that.” he said pointing to the x box controllers.

“Not like that, like 21 questions.” You recommended. He responded with a laugh.

“Ryan, I’m serious!” you said.

“Fine, fine, I ask first then.” he said and you nodded. “What’s the most embarrassing moment of your childhood?”

“So many, you have no idea…but….err….probably when in 2nd grade I peed my pants while in my chair.” you said turning neon red. “Stop Ry! I’m soooo embarrassed.”

“Sorry! But that’s hilarious, and aww you’re blushing.”

“Ryan stop! Let me ask you something….” you said, having many personal, embarrassing, and hilarious questions run through your head, making an evil smile form on your face, Ryan knew that you were going to humiliate him.

“Go ahead.” Ryan choked out nervously, letting out a sigh preparing himself for the events laying ahead.

“Who do you like?” You asked, Ryan flashed you a confused look, peering into your eyes as if you just told him that you killed someone. His face turned a neon red color and he let silence mask the area that was just a few minutes ago satiate with laughter. “You have to answer.”

“No. Its too weird.” Ryan said, obviously not wanting to talk about this anymore and wanting to get off the subject as soon as humanly possible.

“Not weirder than the story I just told you.” You felt your stomach drop, Ryan usually had no problem telling you his secrets, you knew almost everything about the him, you never really talked about crushes or anything, maybe that’s why he was so uncomfortable about it. You weren’t sure, but at this point you were more concerned than interested in who he fancied. Although you never wanted to admit it to yourself you always liked Ryan, everything about him was perfect, his deep soft voice, his spiky hair, his hazel eyes, and his lovable honest personality, he understood everything you were going through almost like nobody else. Even though you tried to strain away from telling yourself this, he was the definition of perfection, to you anyways.

“Look Ryan, you can tell me anything.” you said leaning down to run your fingers through his brown soft locks. 

“I like you, (Y/N), and I don’t know if you feel the same, I don’t want this to fuck up our friendship because you mean a lot to me, and I was just hoping that I could keep it inside, knowing you would find someone better than me, and I would just be the best guy friend that’s keeping his feelings bottled up.” he said, avoiding major eye contact with you

“I like you too, but you’re so amazing and perfect, you have so many girls willing to be with you and I’m just an irrelevant female friend that-” you wanted to continue ranting, but Ryan cut you off with a soft quick kiss, the feeling sent chills through your entire body, and small goosebumps down your arms, you’ve been waiting so long for that moment, never sure if it was even going to happen. He broke the kiss to speak.

“Stop with the nonsense, you’re flawless to me (Y/N). You’re the only one that I want.” he said pulling you in for another kiss. That was just the beginning of the wonderful relationship that you eventually grew to have with Ryan.

Ryan Ross ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now