Chapter 8

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I scroll through my laptop sitting on the couch. I was going to go to my car but that was going outside. I don't want to go out there and see them. Ryan nearly killed me. My throat still hurts. I didn't do anything wrong and he just had to choke me. The nerve of people. I slam my laptop shut and start pacing. Like seriously I was being a neighbor, a nice neighbor too and he just chokes me. Oh and threatens me. What is the matter with him. And how on earth did he slam the door. He didn't even reach over and shut it. How? He can't have magic. That stuff doesn't even exist. Argh. I hate this. I need answers and I know where to find them. I walk over to the front door and swing it open. Storming out I walk over next door and bang loud onto their door. "I want answers!" I hear loud footsteps and the door opens to show a boy with chestnut hair and green eyes. "And who are you?" I crossed my arms. "I might ask the same question." He growled. "Go away." He almost shut the door until I jammed my foot between it. "I want answers to why and what's going on. Your buddy Ryan almost killed me." He leaned closer to me. "I. Don't. Care. So go home and forget about it." He kicked my foot and slammed the door. Argh! I kicked the door and stormed home. I will get answers.

I woke up on my own. No one in sight and all I heard was someone yelling downstairs. I look out the window and see Sapphire storming away from the house. I open the window. "Sapphire!" I yell at she looks up at me. "Whats up?" I ask. She seemed upset. "Give me your phone number and I'll text you." she says and I look away. "I don't have a phone. Tell Mason and he can tell me." I tell her and she shakes her head. "I don't trust him." she says and I cant really blame her. "Okay fine then. Give him a letter explaining everything. I will make sure he doesn't open it. I promise." I tell her and I see her considering it. "Okay. Tell him to meet me in the park in an hour." she says and I nod my head. She smiles and heads back to her place. I leave the room and go looking for Mason. I find him in his room. "Brother I have a favour to ask you." I tell him and he serms worried. "Meet Sapphire in the park in an hour. She has something for me and I'm really worried." I tell him and he doesnt seem pleased. "Lunar, Ryan is gonna kill you if he finds out." he says and I walk closer to him. "He wont find out. I'll make sure of that. Please brother." I ask knowing my brother will cave. "Okay okay. I'll be back." he tells me and I hug him. "Thank you." I tell him and I go back to my room.

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