Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Just my fucking luck; it begins to pour down rain just as I hit the country roads that make up Mill Creek, the roads consist of constant winding and sharp turns and barely enough room for oncoming traffic.

Suddenly I hear an all too familiar sound, pssst…I slow my car down, grab my phone from its charging dock and get out to investigate the source of the psst. I walk around each end of the car until I find the problem, my right front tire has a large chunk of glass in it and it has blown out.

I pull out my phone and realize I can’t inform my parents that I blew out the tires in the new Aston Martin One-77 they bought me for my birthday. I call the number on Andre’s card and once again he answers on the third ring.

“Yo where you at baby boi?”

“My car blew a tire out here by St. Christopher’s church.”

“I can come get you and then you can call a tow truck from the room, I don’t want you sitting out in the rain.”

“Thank you Andre.”

“Don’t thank me yet, but you will soon enough.” He chuckles and then hangs up.

I think to myself what could he have possibly meant by his last few comments but I quickly tune back to the problem ahead of me…

Around 10:3; Andre pulls up in a 2013 Mercedes-Benz cl-class wearing a beater, Giants hat, durag underneath and a shirt that reads: (Juicy.)

“Get in.” he demands.

I walk over and get into the passenger side; “Thank you once again.”

“Did I tell you to speak?” he questions.

“Um…excuse me?” I look at Andre like he has lost his mind.

“Did I tell you to speak?” he once again asks.

“No you didn’t but…”

He cuts me off, “Exactly…I didn’t tell you to speak.” He grins, “That means keep your mother-fucking mouth shut baby boi.”

I sit there quietly; thinking to myself ‘what have I gotten myself into?’ as I watch trees and country side whoosh by as we drive by. I catch a few glances of Andre when we drive under spots of moonlight; he has an intense look on his face and he is constantly biting his lower lip.

It’s 11:00 when we reach Mill Creek motel; Andre looks at me and then crosses his arms.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“Waiting for you…”

“Mother-fucker get the hell out of my Mercedes.” He snaps.

  I climb out of the car and close the door and he soon does the same. I cross my arms and stare at Andre like he is crazy.

“What the fuck you staring at yo?” he snaps again.

“Are you bi-polar or something?”

Andre rushes over to me and gets in my face; my heart races, ‘is he going to hit me?’ is all I could think about. He clenches his fist and then smiles,

“You are too damn sexy.”

Andre walks over to the motel room labeled ‘6’ and then unlocks the door, motioning for me to come inside with him. Andre turns on the light and on the single bed in the room is a mountain of hundred dollar bills.

“W…what the hell?”

“Surprised baby boi?” Andre grins at me and locks the door behind him.

“What…what is with all the money?”

“What kind of service do you think I provide my customers?”

“Are you a drug dealer?”

“Just because I act like one, you can’t be stereotyping a nigga?” he smiles.

“What are you then Andre, I don’t got time for little kid games.” I cross my arms, “You either tell me or I’m leaving.”

“Where you going to go, you don’t have a car remember?” he smiles,

‘Dammit I am stuck hear with him.” I think to myself.

“I’m an escort Trey.” I was shocked at both his job title and the fact that he called me by my first name.

“So you sell your body for money?” I questioned.


“I thought if you told me you’d have to kill me?” I get a little bit scared.

Andre laughs, “That was just my way of getting you out here to hear my proposition.”

“Which is?”

Andre clears his throat, “I will give you that entire mountain of cash to publish a fact-fiction book about my beginnings as an escort.” He then continues before I can speak, “You can take all credit for the work.”

“How much money is there?”

“Sixteen Grand…and if you want more per chapter you write than we can work that out too.”

“How many days do I get to think about this deal?”

“You’ve only got tonight.” He licks his bottom lip.

‘If I go through with this deal, I won’t have to worry about overcoming my writers-block…hmmm.’

“It’s getting close to midnight Trey.” He crosses his arms, “What’s it going to be?”

‘God Dammit…I have to go for it.’

“Fine…deal…I’ll write your book.” I clear my throat, “I have to call my publisher and put my current work on hiatus.”

“Do what you need to.” He goes over to the bed and pulls out a suitcase which he places the stacks of money into. “When your car gets here I want you to put this in the trunk and don’t take it out until your parents go to the office in the morning, do you understand?”

“Yes…I understand Andre.”

That is when I took a step into the dangerous new chapter of my young life…


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