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Brian stole my heart chapter 2 Alice's pov

Once the bell to signal the end of class Brian stayed by my side "Alice come here now!!"my best friend lily screeched "yes Lilly?" I asked "I heard you helped a nerd up?!" She yelled at me "because I wasn't going to let him be laughed at on his first day!" I yelled back equally angrily "he's a nerd your popular you have an image to maintain!" She said in such a snobby way I really wanted to slap her but instead I retorted my face into a look of disgust "your acting like a total bitch I don't have an image to maintain I never chose to be popular! You know what your acting just like Miranda a total fucking bitch!!" I yelled at her,her mouth parted slightly and she stuck her nose straight in the air flicked her hair and walked off "bitch" I muttered. I walked into the cafeteria to see everyone pointing and laughing at Brian I stood up on a table "fuck off the lot off you pick on someone your own size and leave Brian the fuck alone!!!" I yelled loud loud enough for everyone to hear me they all turned around and went back to what they were doing "you didn't have to do that for me" he whispered Quietly but loud enough for Me to hear "yes I did people need to back off and get to know people before they judge you" I replied "and here we have the two little nerds siting together" said Miranda to her group they sniggered I stood up and punched Melissa square in the face "pick on someone your own size" I yelled at her "oh and don't judge people because I haven't seen Brian judge you about being a slut!" I added. when I looked at the table Brian was gone I walked out of the cafeteria doors and seen his curly hair walk outside I followed him he stopped at the little stream behind the school and disappeared behind a tree I heard sniffling and sobbing "Brian are you al..." I stopped mid-sentence when I seem his sleeves were rolled up and had blood all over them "Brian what are you doing!" I said "oh..uhm I'm so sorry Alice everyone just gets to me they say I'm a nerd and its annoying and it's getting to the point where everyone has a girlfriend and I don't because I'm a nerd, I have no friends cause I'm a nerd Ive tried to stop cutting believe me but it just gets to me I feel so worthless!" He said then he started sobbing I pulled him into hug he just cried on my shoulder when he finished I wiped his tears "there is someone out there for everyone one day the right person will come along and steal your heart ok!" I said to him he nodded all I seem was his face inch closer and closer to mine I closed my eyes and leaned forward and our lips touched fireworks shot off inside of me his lips were so warm as they enveloped mine and moved in perfect sync with each other I realised something that Brian may might just be my special someone.

Brian's pov

I just realised that Alice may be my special someone that came along and saved me my guardian angel in disguise





Peace and love

Georgia-rose deacon

Brian stole my heart (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now