Chapter 1

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Brian stole my heart

Brian stole my heart chapter 1

Alice's pov

I stood outside the big iron school gates and took a deep breath in oh how I wished summer lasted forever warm nights, days at the pool, sleeping in and being care free no stress or homework!

I wish I could just rewind and relive summer all over again I met a lot if new people and made new friends.

I guess you could call me 'popular' if your the stereotypical person but I'm not a stuck-up-bitch (there are a few of those in our group) i usually only talk to my best friend Liliana and her boyfriend roger.

"hi Alice" ugh great here comes Miranda the bitchiest girl in our 'friend' group I plastered the fakest smile in my face "hi Miranda how was your summer?" I asked as nicely as possible "it was amazing I met this guy and we really hit it off like oh my god and then we 'did the deed' in his yacht it was amazing he was so sexy and-" I cut her off as soon as I seen Lilly and roger "sorry Miranda gotta go" I ran over to Lilly "you guys just saved me from listening to Mirandas speech about how her and this guy 'did it' in his yacht" I said "wow! It must have been interesting if you remember every detail" said roger I flipped him off "anyway how was your summer?" I asked "it was amazing I missed you so much" Lilly said "sorry not my fault dad lives in Liverpool" I said with an over-exaggerated shrug of my shoulders "OH MY GOSH how was it?" Lily asked "it was alright freezing but it was ok" I said "you've got a bit of an accent going Alice" said roger sarcastically "well how bout you spend 2 months in Liverpool" I retorted back before he could say some smart ass comment the bell rang for class "I have maths with mr gibbons" I said "aww I have English with mrs Moore" Lily said "science with miss Koswanage" roger piped up "well see ya later" I said waving bye as I walked into class everyone was seated I took a seat up the back I pulled out my books and wrote down the date as soon as I wrote that I looked up and seen a boy with a big head full of curls and glasses walk in the whole class sniggered at him. he stumbled over his feet and fell over dropping his books everywhere the whole class was in hysterics I jumped up out of my seat and rushed over to him and helped him pick up his books the whole class watched me intently 'assholes' I thought I looked up into the boys eyes and they were a perfect shade of hazel and his hair suited him well I lead him up to the spare seat next to me as he sat down he whispered to me "thank you for that my names Brian" "it's my pleasure my names Alice" I whispered back

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