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Alex P.O.V

"On my count, into the building! 1.... 2.... 3.... Go!!" I shouted at the troops right before we entered Max's building from every way possible. Him and a few of his workers were trapped in there with a newly discovered species of Aliens who gain power by destroying and sacrificing powerful things, so they were now after Max's newest invention.

Supertron, he'd called it over the phone. God he was an idiot, but here I was now, swooping in to rescue him from power-thirsty aliens, yet again, because this, this was my life.

We rushed into the building to find Max in the middle of a circle of aliens, whilst the few of his workers cowered in a corner. The place looked as if a bomb had exploded inside. Shards of glass decorated the floor, parts of the latest tech gadgets littered the place and the rain was pouring in through the damaged ceiling. 

"Attack!" I yelled at our team and we did. Whilst the others were sparring with the aliens, I rushed Max to a small, dry storage closet. That's when I noticed a long cut down one of his cheeks, it was bleeding pretty bad. 

"Fuck, Max! Where do you keep the first aid kits around here? Better yet we have to get you to the hospital!" I exclaimed, opening the door again and peering out at how my team was doing. I was seriously worried about him as he sat on the floor, still bleeding. I frantically searched the shelves for something to treat his wound.

"Fuck!" I yelled in frustration and nearly knocked over a shelf when I found nothing useful.

"You don't have to worry about me, Danvers. I'll be fine. I always make it out alive." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and sighed. He was clearly delusional from the blood loss.

"Really? Says the man who was this close to being killed in a circle of dangerous aliens if we didn't save his ass, again." I gave him a fake smile and started looking around again.

"I never asked for your help, you know. You're not always needed to be there and save people; the world could survive without you." His words stopped me and I turned to him.

"You are so full of shit Max. I come here, risking my own and my whole team's lives to save you from one of the most dangerous aliens that we know of and you can't even say a simple thank you?" He got up from the floor and started slowly making his way towards me.

"Says the woman who voluntarily goes off saving people, in hopes of feeling better about herself? You want to be the hero, right? So go be a hero somewhere else. Jesus." The words took me by surprise. No one had ever been so blunt with me. I was so pissed that he had the nerve to say those things about me, but feeling insecure at the same time. How could he say that?

"I.. I.. Go to hell Maxwell Lord!" I tried to be as confident as possible but my voice faltered. I turned towards the door right as a tear slid down my face. Why was I acting like this? I never EVER cry and yet this idiotic man had made me want to sit in a corner and cry and cry. Damn him. He had torn down my walls of self confidence and I hated him for it.

"Wait!" He exclaimed whilst clamping his hand on my wrist so I couldn't leave. I tried to pull it away so he wouldn't see my tears. But yet again I was disappointed in the turn of events as he spun me round and pulled me towards him. We were only a few inches apart now.

"A.. are you.. crying?" He damn well knew the answer to that.

"What to you think dumbass? When you insult a girl, she cries. Isn't it obvious?" I told him as a fresh batch of tears fell from my eyes, but I kept a straight face and wiped them away.

"I.. I'm sorry Alex, I didn't mean to, I just, I've never felt such strong feelings towards someone before, and I just don't know how to handle it. I didn't mean to hurt you, believe me. I'm so sorry." He told me as he lifted my chin so I would look at him. He didn't give me a chance to say anything before he started talking again.

"Alex, you are the bravest, kindest, smartest and most beautiful woman I have ever known and you are amazing. What you do is so brave and honorable that anyone would be lucky just to set foot in your presence." His piercing gaze kept me from being able to say anything.

Gently, he caressed my cheek and pulled me into a passionate kiss. It felt so good I didn't hesitate to kiss him back after a few seconds. He held my waist close to him and my hands tangled in his hair. I don't think I've ever been kissed with so much passion and love.

Max / Alex - A Supergirl FanficWhere stories live. Discover now