Chapter 6

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Despite the fact he was on crutches, Nadine still had difficulty keeping up with Wolfgang as he stormed out of the hospital.

"I cannot believe you followed me here!"

"Wolfgang, wait up!"

"You shouldn't be here! This doesn't concern you!"

"I said I was sorry...!"

Nadine almost bumped into Wolfgang when he stopped to turn around and glare at her. "You just don't get it, do you? I have a reputation to uphold! If anyone were to see me here, not to mention associating with the likes of you..."

"I was just trying to get to know you better, OK?" Nadine spat out.

Wolfgang was momentarily taken aback, and looked at Nadine as if she had grown a second head.

"We've spent a lot of time together these past few days. And you wouldn't tell me where you were going...I thought maybe if I followed you, I'd get to know more about you. See what makes Wolfgang tick."

Wolfgang sighed in exasperation, and poked Nadine with his index finger to emphasize a point. "Let's get one thing straight here. Fourth graders do not "get to know" fifth graders. Fourth graders FEAR fifth graders. And you're right, we HAVE been spending a lot of time together. Too much time."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying don't bother coming over tomorrow. I'm breaking our arrangement. I want things to go back to the way they were, the status quo depends on it."

"But what about your-?"

"I'll be fine. There's only today and tomorrow left of Spring Break, so go enjoy it. Now let's get out of here."

Wolfgang turned back around and headed for the bus stop, but he soon realized that Nadine wasn't following him, and was in fact walking across the street.

"Hey, fourth grader!" he yelled out. "Where the heck are you going? The bus stop's right here!"

But Nadine didn't respond back. Wolfgang saw her look frantically left and right when she made it to the other side. He growled in frustration and made his way over to the other side to join her.

"What are you doing?" he asked again.

"Looking for my bike, I parked it right here." Nadine said, an edge of panic creeping into her voice.

Wolfgang looked at her in shock. "You BIKED here?"

"I don't understand it. I swear, I just parked my bike right here and went across the street into the hospital...."

"Well, this neighborhood isn't the greatest to leave a bike unattended. Even if you lock it up."

Nadine gasped; sure enough, not too far from where she had locked up her bike, she spotted the lock on the pavement. It looked as though it had been shorn off with a cable cutter.

Wolfgang shrugged. "Told ya."

"Oh no, oh no oh no oh no..." Nadine picked up the remains of the lock and began pacing back and forth, shaking her head. "This isn't good. My parents are going to kill me..."

"I can't believe you biked clear across the city like that! How stupid can you be?!"

But Nadine wasn't listening. Eventually she stopped pacing. She started breathing rapidly...

"Hey, what are better not be...fourth grader, I'm warning you, don't you dare-!"

Nadine started to cry. A very loud, wet, bawling kind of cry. At the same time, the bus was turning the corner several blocks away and was slowly approaching the bus stop.

"Oh, crap, the bus is coming!" Wolfgang dug in his pocket and handed Nadine several wadded up bills. "Here, use this to call yourself a cab! And there should be enough left over to buy a new bike! Now will you please shut up?"

Nadine stopped crying and stared at the money, stunned. "I..."

"Yeah, yeah, just don't tell anyone about this alright? Now, I gotta go...CRAP!"

Wolfgang hobbled back across the street and caught the bus just in time. Nadine looked at the money in her hand, then back at the bus as it sailed down the street. After she wiped her tear-stained eyes, a smile slowly crept onto her face.

That did it.

Nadine knew that she was supposed to fear fifth-graders. But she never expected to be in like with one of them.

But now it was official. That brief moment of kindness displayed to her solidified what she had suspected all along.

Yes, sir. Nadine was in like with Wolfgang.

Wolfgang and Nadine [COMPLETED] | a Hey Arnold! FanficWhere stories live. Discover now