Chapter 7

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"So nice of you to finally grace me with your presence," said Rhonda, sarcastically.

It was Saturday night, and Nadine was sleeping over at Rhonda's house. Nadine had spent very little time with her best friend during the Spring Break, and Rhonda was quick to let her know. She entered her bedroom in a nightgown and a face mask of indeterminate goop. "Honestly, Nadine, it's like you completely forgot about me this week."

"Sorry," apologized Nadine, who was lying on Rhonda's four-poster bed, grasping a pillow to her chest. "I've been really busy the last few days."

Rhonda scoffed and walked across the room to sit in front of her vanity mirror, wiping the goop off her skin. "Oh please, what could possibly be more important than spending time with your very best friend?" She then grabbed her tweezers from the dresser and methodically plucked away any stray hairs from her face.

Nadine sat up gripped her knees close to her body. "Well actually...I kinda met a boy..."

Rhonda immediately stopped what she was doing and turned to look at her best friend, intrigued. "Nadine! So THAT'S what been going on! Why haven't you told me?"

"I wasn't sure at first, but now I think that actually sorta like him. I him like him."

"How wonderful!" Rhonda went over and joined Nadine on the bed, propping herself up with her hands. "So go on – dish. Who's the lucky boy? Is it Peapod Kid? I always thought you would make a cute couple! Or maybe it's Arnold? Iggy? Ugh, pleeease don't tell me it's Sid. That would simply kill me...!"

Nadine shook her head. "It's not anyone from our class. I don't think you know him that well. Actually...I don't really know him. I'm not even sure if he likes me likes me back."

"Ooh...the plot thickens," Rhonda said, coyly.

"Can you give me any advice to win him over?" Rhonda was about to speak when Nadine added, "Without suggesting I get a makeover."

Rhonda frowned and pouted a bit. "You're such a spoilsport." She sighed and placed an arm around her best friend. "Look, Nadine, just be yourself. You're a wonderful girl just on your own, and if this boy can't see that, then it's his loss."

Nadine looked at Rhonda. "You really think so?"

"I know so. Of course, if you WANT to do something with your hair..."

Nadine threw her pillow at Rhonda.

"Hey! It was just a suggestion!"


It was Sunday, early afternoon. Wolfgang had entered the kitchen in search of food, but when he opened the fridge, found only bare shelves. As per the norm, he was the only one at home, and it felt eerily quiet without the incessant banter of Nadine in his ear. For a brief moment, he almost sort of missed her...

Wolfgang slammed the door of the fridge, and quashed those thoughts immediately. What was done was done; he had already warned her not to come back the other day. He looked in one of the kitchen cabinets and pulled out the only edible foodstuff he could find: an unopened jar of relish. He then got a spoon and dejectedly sat at the kitchen island. He opened the jar but spent more time stirring the minced pickle condiment than actually eating it. Just as he mustered enough courage to bring a spoonful of relish to his lips, the doorbell rang.

"The old man better have went grocery shopping," he grumbled under his breath. When he opened the door he was surprised to see Nadine, grinning and holding a large picnic basket.

"It's such a lovely day. Thought you'd like to go on a picnic with me. My mom made the sandwiches. They're really good."

Wolfgang opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the low, gurgling rumble of his own stomach.

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