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*Harry's POV*
"You shouldn't be here, Katie," I heard my voice come out strained and octaves lower than normal.

I felt myself smirking when her face changed to absolute horror and began walking towards her.

"I-I heard crashes c-coming from your h-" she was backing up until she bumped into one of the many boxes in my living room.

"Are you afraid?" I asked, although I knew she was.

She gulped, glancing behind me. She pushed herself off the box, dashing toward my back door.

My arm hooked around her waist, knocking the breath out of her. She whimpered when I pulled her against me, leaning my head to hers.

"I like a little chase," I whispered, "so don't even think about telling anyone about this." My voice still coming out deep and dark.

She began shaking and nodded.

I let go of her and she bursts out the back door of my house, going to her house.

*Katie's POV*
I ran as fast as I could out of Mr. Styles' house. My mind kept playing back to my dreams. If he was just trying to scare me for barging into his house, it worked.

My phone was ringing when I got to back to our backyard. I fumbled with the aux cord, unplugging it from my phone.

"H-hello?" My voice came out weak and strained.

"Hey, wait? You sound worried." It was my friend Sarah.

"What? No, I was just uh-" I glanced at Mr. Styles' house, where he was glaring at me from his second story window, "I was swimming and was rushing to get to the phone. I'm sorry."

"Oooo," she squealed into the receiver, "your dad has already set it up?"

I could here shuffling from her side of the phone, knowing she's putting on a bikini.

"See you in a minute," we laughed before I hung up.

I saw the curtains shuffle from Mr. Styles' window, telling me he just left it.
I waited for Sarah on my front porch, seeing her almost five minutes walking down the street.

She only lives three houses down from me.

"Girl! You're looking good!" she shouted when she was in front of Mr. Styles' house, making me laugh.

"Thanks," I said, shaking my head at my optimistic best friend.
Sarah and I swam for almost 5 hours before my mother called us inside for dinner.

My mind was elsewhere as the rest of my family laughed and told how their day went.

"Katie? You haven't spoke all dinner, are you alright?" My mother asked, making everyone stop and look at me.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine, just tired from all the swimming is all," I lied.

Sarah laughed, "I feel you, we were out there for a while, I'm pooped." I could tell she was lying as well.

"Ew, Sarah said 'poop' at the dinner table," Sophia scrunched up her face, covering her mouth.

"Sorry Soph," Sarah patted her head, giggling.

After dinner and Sarah went home, I took a shower and laid down. I knew I wouldn't sleep well tonight.

The events from today still fresh in my mind, keeping me awake. I stared out my window from my bed at the night sky, easily pointing out The Big Dipper.

I gave up on trying to sleep and climbed out my window onto my roof. The cool breeze of the night already making me feel better.

"Pssst, pssst," I looked around confused at who was saying that.

I carefully slid to the edge of the roof and saw Chase with a box of donuts in his arms.

I giggled, "what are you doing, you idiot?" I whisper-shouted.

"I honestly don't know, but Sarah said you seemed upset at dinner so I thought I'd bring you donuts. I even have milk," he laughed.

"I'll let you in the front door, wait a minute." I scurried back into my room, almost tripping over my windowsill.

My bedroom door creaked as I slowly opened it, then tip-toeing down each step. I knew which step creaked, so I easily made it down them quietly.

"I'm honestly so thankful for this," I said once I let Chase in.

He smiled and shrugged, "I know you like the back of my hand."

We made our way up the stairs, laughing every time he stepped on a creaking one.

I heard shuffling in my parents' room and then their door creaking open, my mother catching us before we made it to my room.

"What's going on?" my mother asked, sleepily.

"Uhm, I brought Katie some donuts and milk because Sarah told me she was upset, and she's way too beautiful to be upset," Chase said really quickly, making me blush and my mom smile widely.

"You two just be quiet and don't wake your sister or dad. Oh, and don't stay up too late, you have school tomorrow," she said before she went back to her room.

"Thanks for saving my ass," I nudged his arm and headed to my room.

"I was telling the truth, you know?" he asked quietly, climbing out the window.

"So how was work?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

He smirked and shook his head, "same as usual, complete hell. How was your day?"

"Pretty good. I mostly just swam," I said before biting into my chocolate donut.

He watched me before saying, "you know you can tell me anything, right?"

I nodded, "yeah, but I have nothing to tell you. I told Sarah and everyone else that I was just tired from swimming, which I am. There's nothing else."

He held his hands up in defense, "I'm sorry, I was just trying to help."

I sat my donut down and licked the chocolate off my fingers. "I'm going to get cups for the milk."

I made my way back downstairs and realized our front door was opened a little.

I peaked my head out and shutting it once I didn't see anyone. I probably didn't shut it well. I tried to not freak myself out.

Once I stepped into the kitchen, I felt and hand over my mouth.

"Shh, it's just me," a raspy voice whispered from behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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