Author's Notes & Acknowledgements

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Disclaimer: The settings and characters of Harry Potter belong to J. K. Rowling and her peeps. The quote from Physical Review comes from Friedman et al., "Cauchy problems in space times with closed timelike curves", © 1990 The American Physical Society.

Author's Notes: Suffice it to say that this story was not what I set out to write. For one thing, it's as much about Hermione as Minerva. But one sentence led to another, and before I could mutter Peskipiksi Pesternomi, the plot pixies got totally out of hand. It will be clear to anyone with a passing familiarity with physics, medicine, or library science that I'm largely making this up as I go along. My sincerest apologies for the amount of disbelief I'm asking you to suspend.

Thanks to Kelly Chambliss for the fun prompt.

Thanks to MMADfan for the beta. Need I say that any errors—grammatical, philosophical, or scientific—are completely mine? I am also indebted to the authors of String Theory for Dummies.

Cover image art by babynoob/DeviantArt, used under a Creative Common Attribution (CC-BY 3.0) licence.

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