Chapter Five:Return of Past Life's?

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In the early morning of the town, Rouge was up and dressed ready to go running in the forest, which was across the road from her new home. Rouge put her hair up in a ponytail, she didn’t have to pretend to be a man like in the past. Then she put on her running clothes and trainers, including her running watch and water bottle.

Rouge ran down the stairs and opened up the fridge. “Morning Mrs Class, going running again, I’ll be back in about twenty minutes.” Rouge pulled out a bottle that looked thick and was the colour red, it was obvious blood but, you couldn’t tell what type. When Rouge looked at the bottle it had a sticker on it with, “Animal blood” written.

“You really need to stop gulping that, and I thought I have told you a million times to call me, Christine. We both told you also to stop drinking so much of that stuff, otherwise you will start to attack humans.”

“You know what; I can control it why don’t you think I can. You know also, what animal blood does to me don’t you? It makes me weak, not as fast, not as strong and not as controllable. I need human blood to keep myself protected.” Rouge was right next to Christine now and mad because, they don’t trust her even though she is in control of herself being like this. Rouge was getting so angry right now, her eyes were changing her teeth were coming out. Rouge started to cool down, as Mr Class came through the kitchen door.

“What is all this shouting about?”

“It’s all about me not having enough blood, and not being strong enough to protect myself if I was to be attacked.” Rouge was getting worked up again and needed cooling down.

Rouge grasped the fridge door again and pulled out another bottle of animal blood and drank all of it in one, the blood wasn’t filling and wasn’t any good.

“Mr Class, I’m leaving now for a run and, I hope you can trust me with a simple run.”

“Rouge, first thing call me Martin and secondly you know I trust you and I know you trust me as well. You know I wouldn’t hurt you, and if it was my choice, I would feed you a little blood each day, only a little not a lot just a little.”

“So feed me, give me a little each day and, you will see that you Christine can trust me. I am going running now; see you both in a bit.”

Rouge ran out the back door and into the forest. Her foster parents looking through the window watching her, run and run and run. To them they always thought she was running, to forget her past or to find the past.

“What are we going to do with her like this?” Christine asked Martin while, he was holding her in his arms.

“Well, she has a point Christine. If we just gave her a little everyday she will get stronger, and will be able to control her hunger so that she won’t feed on humans.” They both carried on watching the forest watching, as the birds flew away from the trees as Rouge started to run through the forest.


For Rouge when running it was the thrill, the wind in her face and she thought it was an alternative from running after her pray... human beings. When running she could feel the ground and, the movement of the trees. However, when looking it was all a blur as she ran so fast, she could not see anything.

Rouge ran and ran until she reached the grounds of her old home, in 1892, then quickly to her parent’s graves. She checked up on their graves for the past one hundred and twenty years. She had been coming back to watch her home fall, and crush each year. Rouge also came back every year to clean the gravestones of her parents but, since moving to Coalville she has come every day to clean the gravestones.

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