Chapter 13: A friend reunion?

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Rouge had run back to the pub in sadness and grief but, Rouge felt good and a saver. Rouge had killed someone yes she had killed many people, but the person she killed just now was someone she loved and someone she truly trusted with everything. She had killed Michael yes but with a motive and an understanding. Michael had gone and killed his ex-girlfriend after Rouge said she never wanted to be with him, who would he have killed next a family, a school maybe the whole town.

Rouge never wanted anything like this for Michael or anyone else in her life; over the years since she had changed she had killed many people even the people she was friends with and those that she thought were her friends. Take Martina Marie for an example she was using Rouge to take care of her dirty work and more, and Lily Debra who befriended Rouge and framed her for something Rouge never did just because she wanted Rouge’s antique jewellery.

Maybe Rouge should just run away and never talk to anyone or interact with anyone. Rouge was mad how could she, what about Marin and Christine. Rouge could never do such a thing to  them both after all they had done for her, making sure she didn’t starve even if it was animal blood and them both taking Rouge back in after all the previous attacks she had done even the most recent.

Rouge was just grateful for everything that Martin and Christine were always there no for matter the situation.


George and the others were looking all over the house for Michael after he had not been back and there was no message or call from the man, but George thought and suggested the obvious.

“I know, he’ll be near Rouge’s or round Rouge’s house, we need to call him though not now because Rouge will hear it before us but when we are at the woods. I know Rouge always takes her boyfriends or special friends into nearby woods as they can hide from her foster parents; she was always the same when I went out with her many moons ago.  Someone needs to distract her or get someone to distract her, if you pick someone, pick someone who she knows but not her foster parents after all Autumn has had her fair share of killing Rouge’s foster parents and, getting herself killed in the process but in honest truth your killing was after you killed her foster parents like a day later…” Autumn School was sitting on the sofa with a grumpy face on her but everyone around her was laughing at her embracement after all what George was saying was true.

George went and sat next to Autumn before kissing straight onto the lips and placing his hand on her knee. It was a few minutes until George had finished his long kiss with Autumn.

“Back to business.” George stood up and walked straight over to the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge before asking a question that no one could guess. “Can anyone guess what we are all doing here?”

Everyone burst out laughing, of cause they didn’t know but they knew it was something to do with the first Elrictbrid ever created.

“Do you thing we know, all we got from you was a letter saying be here on a certain day and don’t be late, you will all need to come in a truck that I have already set up for you. Keep in mind that I don’t want any of the cargo to be eaten or wasted. Oh, yeah and something about the Elrictbrid ever created. Now another thing, we have all heard of an Elrictbrid but we have never seen on and we don’t actually know what one is.” The man that spoke for the first time since arriving in Coalville was Moray Lace.

“An Elrictbrid is a creature that is part vampire, part werewolf and part shape shifter. These creatures are very dangerous and if the wrong person is changed they can cause havoc across the world.” George was being very serious now as he was one of the selected few to be chosen by something so secretive. George had been chosen by the witch spirits of the Alular three. 

“So are you one of the selected few, which are in the legends, and if you are how do you know?” Moray asked, he was right how did George know this how could they be sure.

“Because you know the mark that has been painted since the three brothers had either died or murdered. Well it has appeared again, on a person right in this room. That person is George.” Martina was hugging George around the neck; she was leaning over the sofa.

“So what’s the plan? Are we going to rise the three brothers up? If we are how and when?” Leigh Callaway asked in question, but the questions he was asking were all the nessicary questions for this situation. 

“Everyone, we are doing this next week on Friday as it is the blood moon where wolves can be created, but it first appeared when it was the day once all the three brother were dead. Vampires before were allowed to walk in the sunlight and werewolves could change at will and pain free, until the very first blood moon appeared as the curse spread across the world making every creature into something they never knew could exist. More than half the vampires died as the curse spread across the world and they all burned as more than half were in the sunlight.” George explained being in full concentration of what he was supposed to do and hopefully if the ceremony was done correctly, become.

“That answers his question of when but what about how, that is an important part George, and we all need to know how otherwise you are on your own.” This was Moray playing his part in this structured conversation.

“On the night of the blood moon, we will go to the woods and into Rouge’s old house as when her parents were killed and I was believed to be dead, I faked my death as so that I could take her beloved home and do my own search underneath it. While I dug under the house for about three years before I found the sacred temple of the buried Sinero brothers, was that every year Rouge returned for the day her parents were murdered. To no one else’s knowledge accept for my own when I finally opened the temple inside was a picture of each of the three brothers above their graves, but above the door of the inside of the temple was another painting of a women. The women looked exactly like Rouge. For another year I stayed inside the temple and nipped out for a drink in the woods every now and then, but I stayed in the temple because I was looking, I was looking for the log book from the last keeper of the tomb. Once I found the log book it also mentions a person called a Hexinga, which was someone that looks exactly like someone from the dear past of their ancestors and they don’t know it.” George was standing up as if giving the others a lecture; it was if he was an archaeologist talking to his workers or boss.

“So obviously, this Hexinga has something to do with the rising of the Elrictbrid. Do you know if they do or don’t need to be involved?” Asked Moray, but all the questions he was asking were the nessicary questions needed.

“Yes, they are needed because their blood is what needs to be poured down the Sinero brothers throats to bring them back. Once they are back the first person that has to be changed is the Hexinga, then the tomb finder then the person that is chosen by the last head brother, Richard as he was the strongest of all.” George was even more serious than before, this was something George really wanted to happen.

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