Chapter 2

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                                          Sexual Tentions 

                                                                            Chapter 2

                Kat's P.o.v

 Waking up to my alarm going off at 5 a.m . i turn it off in a hurry grab my towel running down the wood hallway floor turning on the water taking a fast shower then walking back to my room i quickly get changed into my denim skinny jeans and a tee shirt and lightly applied make up then grabbed my purple vans, i grab my "just do it " bag and head out the door to my car and drove to school. Parking my car i pulled out the card that lets teachers know i am able to park here and walked into the school. walking down the history hall it look like a ghost town. the bell rang for first period  my best friend Sarah tapped me on the sholder and said "Hey girl you coming to my bonfire Friday night , right?" 

"Hell Yea!" i replied back. the rest of the morning went by fast then came third period which happened to be medical skills. i walked in and sat in my chair and took out my notes from the last couple of days. then he came in , i tried my best to ignore him but he came straight to me and tipped my chair back i screamed " What the fuck!"  then the teacher came in and announced the we are doing a lab and to grab a partner and sit up on the tables and the other partner to stand in front of them. looking around i found that every one else had a partner but him and i. sitting up on the table i just looked at him and raised an eyebrow and said"What?'' , then i laughed and said back"Arent you going to get the lab stuff?' i grinned as he sighed and walked away. I start swinging my legs and humming then he came back and he wrapped the blood pressure cuff around my right arm really tight.

  "Ow Ow Ow! Dude are you for real?" i whispered taking it off slapping him in the stomach with it. He laughed and re-did it then took my blood pressure. we switched places and i put the cuff on him and started to take the blood puressure,

              'Hey?' he said i looked up and said "What?" he grinned again and used his legs to pull me forward almost causing me to fall on him, "when are you free next time?"

         I breath in slightly then say "I dont know , how should i know?" i say then side smiled at him then put the equipment up then gathered my things as the bell rang then walk to my next class.

     "Kat! Kat! Hey wait up!!"

    i turn around and say my best friend Taylor in the mess of people behind me. 'hey' i smiled at her , she linked arms with me and asked"so what was that back there?' she asked wiggling her eyebrows up and down. i laughed and said "I dont know what youre talking about." i say turning the dial of my locker getting my setch book for my art class. "You know damn well what im talking about!" she half yelled at me , i shugged my shoulders and went to my art class. The class flew by so fast but really all we do in there is just talk anyway aha.

The bell ran once again but this time it was time for lunch, my tummy grawled as i put my stuff up in my locker, then next thing i knew i was picked up and put over someones sholder like a sack of potatos although the veiw was nice but i still wanted my lunch. I started banging on the persons back and thrashing around untillwe were in a teachers room that was dark. He sat me down on one of the tables and started kissing me , from right then i knew who it was because of the sweet minty taste , he slowly pushed me back to lay down on the table and proceded to unbotton my shirt and kiss down my tummy, my maons filled the room but not only that fill the room so did light and when i got up to see who it was it was........

Yes i know its REALLY short but i know i need to post something because i havent in FOREVER! so yea i hope you guys like it!:) well ill post some more hopefully tomorrow(fingers crossed) anyway thank you for reading! Love you guys XOXO Biiieeee!!<3

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