Chapter 3

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                        CHAPTER 3
         The hunt for the witch has began. The final bell rang and so I walked out of the classroom and to my locker. My friends walked up to me. Tyler said,"Hey Wendy." I said,"Hi." Alexa said,"What's up?" I said,"Nothing much, but I was thinking, do you guys want to come over to my house to plan the hunt?" Alexa said,"Sure we have to start some where." Then everyone nodded in agreement. I said,"Okay, it's only a block away from here."Tyler said,"Okay let's gather up your stuff and go."  As we walked to my house a question popped into my head. I asked,"Hey guys, since some witches don't age what if she attends our school?" They turned around and stared. Tyler broke the silence by saying,"Maybe, but what would she do about her grey hair? She can't go around looking like an old lady." Izzy considered,"Hair dye?" Emily continued,"Yeah, it would be easy to dye her hair since it's light." Tyler asked,"Well what's the closest to silver?" I answered,"Blonde."
          We finally got to my house and I opened the door. My mom and dad weren't home like always. We put our bags down and walked into my room. I explained,"We aren't the richest family, but this is what I call my house, I guess." Tyler said,"It's nice." I replied,"Thank you." We all walked to my room and sat down. Izzy asked,"Where do we start?" Alexa answered,"We start with me going to the bathroom." We all nodded. I said,"It's down the hall." She walked out of the room. Izzy asked,"Okay now what?" I said,"I guess wait for Alexa to come back. We can't really start without her." Emily asked,"Where are your parents?" I answered,"At work." It's been a couple minutes and we heard a giant "Thump," but it wasn't an ordinary thump it was big. We all said in unison,"What was that?" We all got up and ran to the living room.
             We saw two boys. They looked normal. We all just stared at each other.  They were looking at us and I was looking at them. They both had long hair. The one on the left was short and had black hair. He had pale skin. He was wearing a band t-shirt and jeans. Then the one on the right had blonde almost white hair. His skin was pale, like almost Emily, but not as pale as Emily. He was wearing a red sweatshirt and black sweatpants.
         Tyler said,"Get back, they are not normal. I can sense it." He then stood in front of me. He asked them,"What do you want?" The boy on the left said,"You." Then punched Tyler. Then next thing you see are horns coming out of their heads and wings growing out of their backs. Their eyes turn black with a little pupil in the center. They were like demons. Then Tyler turned into a werewolf, as expected. Izzy said,"Oh so we are playing this way, this is going to be fun." Then the three of us turned into our forms. Izzy and Emily started flying and I ran.
           I ran up to the demon that Tyler wasn't fighting. I tried scratching him, but then he grabbed my hand and started flying. I tried to scratch him with my other hand, but then he grabbed that hand. Let's just say I was lucky I wasn't facing him, because then I wouldn't get a pleasant view. He then flew higher until he was high in the sky. He then grabbed me by the underarm and said,"I'm pretty sure you don't want to be near there." I said,"Yeah." Then the other demon flew up, but he had Izzy. He was holding her like a baby and she was passed out. Emily flew up and asked,"You thought you could get away did you?" The one holding Izzy said,"Honestly, yes. You guys are like weak compared to us." Emily flew behind them and said,"Look I don't know what you think you are, neither do I care, but honestly don't talk to me like that.
          Next thing I know we were falling to the ground. I was still in his arms, when we hit the ground. Tyler attacked the demon creature that was holding me, but he didn't let go while fighting Tyler. I saw Alexa come out of the bathroom. Her mouth was wide open. She screamed,"I WAS IN THERE FOR TWO MINUTES!! I CAN'T TRUST YOU PEOPLE!!" The demon flew back up to get away from Tyler. Then all of a sudden I hear him say,"Oh my god." Then he dropped me and flew to Alexa. Tyler ran under me and caught me. He put me down. I said,"Thank you." The demon started I want to say flirting with Alexa. He said,"Heyy girl, I'm Chase." Alexa responded,"Ew, get away from me." Chase asked,"Why? You're so beautiful." She said,"Yeah too beautiful to be around you." He tried grabbing her. She moved away and said,"Um hell no." Then she turned into a dark fairy. She then said,"Darkness blast." Then a streak of black magic came from her hands and knocked Chase into the other demon. She signaled all of us to get down and so we did. She then said,"Darkness flame." and sent a wave of black magic to the two demons. I heard Chase scream,"Nico watch out!" They got hit.
They were laying on the ground unconscious. Alexa bragged,"No need to thank me."
           I walked up to them and Tyler was right behind me. Izzy and Emily got up off the floor and went to the other side of them. Alexa stood at the side of them. I asked,"So can I stay at one of your houses tonight?" Alexa suggested," Let's all have a sleep over, but we should all stay here." I asked,"Why here?" She said,"Incase they wake up." I asked,"Why not wake them up now?" Izzy asked,"You have water?" I said,"I have a water bottle from school." I dumped the water on them and they woke up. Tyler picked up Chase and asked,"Why the fuck are you here?" Nico said,"What a warm welcome werewolf." Tyler dropped Chase and picked up Nico,"You two better explain yourselves now." Chase suggested,"Let's all go into our human forms so we don't start a war." Alexa said,"Okay you guys first." They then turned into there human form.  Then all of us turned into our human forms. Chase was staring down Alexa. I asked,"Umm Chase, stalker much?" He asked,"How do you know my name?" I said,"Super hearing, yeah I heard you flirting with Alexa." Nico asked,"So what is my name?" I answered,"Nico." Tyler said,"Okay we are getting off topic. NOW EXPLAIN YOU TWO." Chase said,"Okay we are the two sons of Satan and our father sent us down to get five evil creatures and kill them." Izzy said,"Yeah because we are evil." Emily said,"Okay maybe Wendy is a little evil."  I said,"I'm a cat you're a vampire." Emily said,"Yeah, true." Nico said,"Sorry, but we don't want sweet innocent cats." I said,"Can you do me a favor and catch someone for me, I'll help you." Alexa said,"Wendy I think I know who you have in mind, and how do you know that she is the most evil person." I said,"She cursed all of us..." Alexa said,"Yeah that's pretty accurate." Chase said,"I'll do anything for Alexa, she's mine guys, here it guys she's MINE!" Alexa said,"Okay, and you want to be knocked out again, I see." Then black fire went out of her hand.
           Nico said,"They have to be the five most evil creatures and I have the names." Tyler asked,"Well are you going to read them?" Chase said,"I'll read them:
-Jennifer Black
-Olivia Smith
-Brayden Peters
-Anthony Colons
And the last one is unknown"
I screamed,"JENNIFER THAT WAS HER NAME!!! THEN IT WAS JEN FOR SHORT." Alexa said,"So that's the bitch who did this to all of us." Emily raised her hand and said,"Hello." I said,"Emily please, this is for everyone else."
          Emily replied,"I guess you have a point. Just saying I'm not doing this for you I'm doing this for everyone else in the squad. I can't believe you are trying to replace him!! He is so much funnier, sweeter and caring then you'll ever be! I can't believe you are replacing-" Izzy cut her off,"That's enough Emily." I was about to burst into tears. What did I do to her? I'm so confused. I snapped,"Emily leave." She said,"You can't tell me what to do." I stated,"My half of house, my rules." She snapped,"You can't tell me what to do." All my rage came out of me and I couldn't  control myself. My claws came out and my cat fangs grew. I attacked her. She then turned into a vampire and pushed her off of me. She screamed,"You're really looking to get hurt kitty cat?" She then picked me up and slammed me against a wall. I felt my head bleeding. Emily's eyes widened and she licked her lips. Tyler then all of a sudden turned into his werewolf form and attacked her. He screamed,"Hurt her and I'll hurt you worst." Emily rolled her eyes and said,"Wow Tyler I'm very disappointed. You have a little crush on that POOR EXCUSE FOR A MONSTER." Tyler then copied me,"Emily leave," She then flew away and screamed,"Fine don't expect me to come back."
           Chase laughed,"And I thought my little dark fairy over here was the feisty one." Alexa walked up to him and said,"Don't worry I'm still feisty. If I really have to I will rip you to shreds." Nico said,"Oh, well then you can't catch Jen without us." Alexa,"If it wasn't for this Jen thing, I swear." Chase snickered,"You swear what, princess?" Alexa then screamed,"Oh shut up." Tyler said,"Guys, we don't have a lot of time, we have to help Wendy and find these people." Alexa said,"I'll bring the map tomorrow to school." Izzy asked,"What map." Alexa smiled,"You'll see." Tyler started walking towards me and reminded,"Chase and Nico don't go to school." He then picked me up and carried me bridal style. The room was spinning and I felt nauseas. Alexa said,"Oh well sucks for them." Nico said,"We can disguise ourselves as humans then attend school." Izzy said,"You guys won't be on the attendance list then."
            Chase said,"We will find a way to get in the school so I can see my beautiful princess." Alexa said,"Call me that again and you won't be seeing anything." Chase smiled,"Okay princess." Alexa screamed,"Ugh, do we have to work with them?" Izzy said,"Yes, yes we do." Then eyed Nico. Izzy continued," We should pair schedules so you guys aren't alone." Nico said,"Good idea, Wendy want to pair schedules?" Tyler put me down and said,"Sorry she's already taken." I stood up and said,"Um I'm not dating anyone." Izzy suggested,"Nico how about me?" Nico rolled his eyes and said,"Fine whatever." Chase ran up to Alexa and said,"I guess that just leaves you and me." Alexa said,"Ew, hell no. I'm not giving you my schedule."
             I said,"Uh guys, it's getting late and I still have no where to sleep." Tyler suggested,"You could sleep at my house, if you are okay with that." Before I could answer Alexa said,"Sorry Tyler, but I don't trust you." Izzy asked,"You guys want to sleep at my house? Girls only?" Alexa and I both said in unison,"Sure." Chase said,"Okay see you tomorrow princess." Alexa said,"Yeah sure. Our school is very strict, so good luck getting in." Chase said,"Okay what ever you say beautiful." Alexa rolled her eyes. I waved to the three boys and then followed Izzy and Alexa.

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