Chapters 1

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Authors note: this story is mainly in Wendy's point of view, but sometimes it changes to others. We will always let you know when it changes.
Life is interesting. Especially if you're like me, not a normal human being. I'm Wendy White. Before I tell you my story I should warn you, this is all true. I'd love to say it's all happy, but nobody has happy ever after, especially if you're me. Okay so let's start the story:
It was the first day of a new school. New school and well I can't say new friends because I don't know what's going to happen. I'm in tenth grade, and well... At my old school it didn't go to well for me. I was failing school and I didn't have many friends. I didn't want to move here, it was my parents idea. I didn't want to leave the few friends I had. It's a big change moving from The big apple to a small town in Arizona, in fact quite a scary change. It's a lot different in a big city with many people then a small town with only a few people.
I looked down at my schedule and saw "Tech." I looked at the clock and saw I only had five minutes to get to class. Shit. I ran down the hallway as fast as I could, went to my locker and walked into my classroom with 2 minutes to spare. It smelled like wood and paint I wanted to gag, but I walked in trying to smile.
I saw a tall muscular man. He walked up to me and said,"You must be the new girl." He his voice sounded deep and he said it in a tone that wasn't that nice. I nodded. He said,"You can go sit at the table back there." He pointed to a table with three girls and one guy. Fuck, everyone must know each other there and I'm just there being awkward and quiet. Great my life is already ruined.
I sat down in the closest chair. It was in between the guy and one of the girls. I quietly forced out a word,"Hello." The boy said,"Hi my name is Tyler." I actually found him kinda attractive. He was pale with brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing a grey muscle tee. I replied,"H-hi I-I'm Wendy." You really had to stutter on that? The girl next to me asked,"You're shy aren't you?" I turned around to see the girl next me. She had brown hair, that was pulled back in a ponytail, pale skin and purple eyes.She wore a green sweatshirt, jeans and black compact boots.She broke the silence by smiling and saying,"Don't worry I used to be the same way, until I met them. By the way I'm Alexa." I replied,"Nice to meet you." The girl across the table joked,"Well if everyone is introducing themselves Emily and I might as well." The girl had long black hair tan skin and grey eyes. There's nothing much to say about her outfit besides black. Her shirt was black, her pants were black and her shoes were black. She continued,"I'm Izzy and next to me is Emily." I looked over. Emily looked shy like me. She had wavy blonde hair, pale skin and I don't mean pale. I mean like sheet white. It was weird, but I'm not one to judge. Emily quietly said,"Hello."
Tyler said,"Wendy what's your schedule? We all have seventh period lunch." I replied,"Oh same." Izzy said,"Maybe you can sit with us." I didn't know if I wanted to sit with them. If I ended up making more friends I'd rather sit with? Wait we're talking about me here. I'm not gonna make friends, I'm lucky to make these friends. I replied,"Sure I'd love too." We reviewed each other's schedules and I only had Spanish next period with Tyler, which I was excited about. We all got caught up in a conversation about each other and finding our similarities, and before I knew it, the bell rang. We all got up and started walking to class. Wow, everyday is going to start amazing!
Alexa, Izzy and Emily all had to go a different direction, so it was just me and Tyler. I asked,"Out of curiosity why are you the only boy in that group?" He said,"Oh. Assigned seating." I knew he was lying, but I decided to ignore it. We walked into our Spanish room and I was assigned the seat next to Tyler. Wow the coincidence.
Well Spanish went well I guess. Tyler and I didn't really talk during this class. I'm sure you don't want to hear about Spanish. Well after Spanish, the bell rang. Tyler asked,"Do you know where your next class is? Or do you need me to guide you?" I replied,"No I think I'll be fine, but thank you." He said,"Okay then see you at lunch. Oh and just saying we sit at the table in the very back." I nodded my head and said goodbye. Wow it feels great to have friends, but I don't know what to do about my secret. What if I accidentally expose it to them?
All my other classes were boring, but I guess school is boring in general. After like five periods of toucher it was lunch. I got out of my seat and ran to the lunch room!! I was so excited to see everyone again! I walked in and found my friends, but something was wrong. Their heads were huddled together and they were whispering. I decided to hide under the table and listen. I made out what they were saying pretty clearly. Izzy said,"I don't think we should let her stay, I don't want her getting hurt like-" Tyler cut her off,"It won't." Alexa and Emily both said at the same time," You sure?" Tyler said,"I don't know what it is, but I sense something different about her, that she'd be able to handle the truth."
Emily asked,"What if it does hurt her. Not mentally, but physically?" Tyler answered,"We all can protect her." Alexa asked,"We can be the ones ending up hurting her." Emily said,"Yeah." Izzy continued,"So what are we do if we can't?"Alexa said,"If things get really that ugly..." Tyler continued,"We are going to have to let her go."

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