chapter three

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"Nice to meet you, I'm Luke." Luke leaned over the sofa and reached his hand out for me to shake.

"Oh uhm, hi!" I said with a mouth full of food. I put down my dinner and shook his hand.

Luke was a good six foot tall, his shoulders were broad and his smile illuminated the room. There was something absolutely ravishing about Luke. He had a very confident presence, one he did not share in common with his cousin. Though they shared similar genetic traits, Luke was gorgeous. He stood in my living room wearing the simplest of clothes yet look handsome without trying. He wore strangely skinny jeans and a long baggy black tee shirt with the band nirvana's logo plastered across his chest. I couldn't help but admire him and his good looks. 

"Puke here plays guitar too." Greyson chips in.

"Oh that's cool." I wasn't quite sure what to say or how to act. The only guy I've really flirted with was Greyson and I barely did under those circumstances. Greyson did all the smooth talking and flirtation to seduce me back in our freshman days. I haven't been with anyone since. My dating game wasn't strong. At all. What am I suppose to do?

"Yeah, I'm in a band. We're alright." Luke speaks. His voice is almost angelic. He speaks with a heavy tone, it's oddly seductive. 

"You mean shit." Greyson laughs.

"How would you know? Why don't you come to our gig Friday and see for yourself?" Luke playfully challenged. 

"I don't need to. I know you're shit." Greyson chuckled.

"I wouldn't mind going. It gives us a chance to see the city." I chime in. I wasn't sure how to be subtle in agreeing to see Luke's band. 

"Okay fine, we'll be there." Grey agreed, laughing.

Greyson invited Luke to stay and hang out with us. I was utterly embarrassed. I was wearing the most mundane and tedious outfit I could think of. I had no way of even making an impression on a guy like that, wearing my work clothes. But I didn't necessarily want to get up and change because then I worry that it looks like I'm trying too hard. Once I was done overly stressing about everything as I usually do, I actually started having fun. Greyson grabbed three beers from the fridge and join Luke and I who were surprisingly chatting away on the couch. Greyson handed us each a beer but I refused to drink. It was a Monday evening and as a working woman, I couldn't be irresponsible and do something that could potentially affect how I work. 

"Common Harley, just one beer." Greyson insisted, pushing the beer towards me.

"I can't, I have to take notes for Cary's meeting tomorrow. I don't want to do anything to affect my job." 

"You've been working there five minutes Har, take it easy." Greyson soothed, once again pushing the beer towards me.

"She said no man. It's cool." Luke defended me. I looked over at him and smiled, thanking him. He responded by sending a cheeky wink in my direction. My chest fluttered. 

"Fine then, but don't blame me when you're not having fun." Greyson laughed as he took a swig from his beer.

"Oh I won't."

"Where do you work Harley?" Luke asked. He leaned in slightly, resting his elbows on his knees. He was clearly intrigued in my work.

"I work as a personal assistant at a law firm. Holland and Bolt."

"Oh that's cool. What kind of stuff do you do?" Luke seemed awfully curious. 

"I take notes for my bosses in meetings. Coffee runs. Schedule meetings. Take calls. Book lunch meetings with clients. Filling papers. Just your average desk job." I replied.

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