chapter four

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I look over at the tiny desk clock sitting on the corner of my desk. The clock read 3:52. I was itching to get out of the office and out of my work clothes. I've only been working here a week and I feel like I've already lost my identity. I found myself mentally buried under endless case files and countless meetings. Cary, one of my bosses, had been working excessively hard to beat Amanda. Amanda being my overbearing other boss, she was easily flying through cases effortlessly. I was trying very hard not to be biased but I found myself helping Cary with all of his tasks. For instance, when Cary and Amanda were co-chairs on a pharmaceutical case, I gave the file to Car in advance for him to prepare for court where as Amanda was going to jump right in once she got to the court house. But even my lame attempts at helping him weren't working, when Cary returned to the office from court, he wasn't his usual cheery self. He was clearly depressed. When I questioned him, he told me that he found out that Amanda had been having an affair with Howard Bolt, one of the name partners. He seems to think that there would be absolutely no way he would get the junior associate position. I jokingly suggested that he sleep with Mrs. Holland but he wasn't in the mood. He left to the meeting room moments after our quick chat, he had negotiations for this law suit against a negligent hospital.

After finishing the files for the new case for Amanda, I left them on her desk and prepared to leave the office. I cleared my desk, grabbing my company Macbook and purse. On my way out, I found Cary waiting by the elevator, brief case in hand.

"Hey Cary, are you alright?" I asked, approaching with caution.

"I'm fine, I'm just thinking about an alternative job for when I lose this one." Cary spoke honestly.

"Cary, you don't know for sure. Don't worry about it, please."

"Alright. I just need the weekend off and I'll be back at it ready Monday." Cary tried to smile but I doubted his genuinity.

We took the elevator down as we continued chatting about our plans for the weekend. As we got out of the building, Cary offered me a ride home. I declined as it was the complete opposite way he was going but he insisted. After what felt like an hour of playful arguing, I finally agreed. He got to the underground parking for the building and Cary lead me to a silver Mercedes Benz.

"Woah, nice car!" I complimented.

"Thank you." He smiled as he politely opened the door for me.

I expected the ride to my apartment to be filled with awkward silences and brief conversations about work, but Cary and I spoke about our pasts. He opened up to me about how his father who emotionally abandoned him when he was eighteen. But he also enlightened me about law school and the brutal amount of late nights he spent cramming.

When we made it back to my apartment, Cary and I were chatting about Greyson and I's past relationship. I laughed about it now. How dramatic I, and the whole situation was. Cary insisted once again to walk me to my apartment. He swiftly exited the car and opened the car door for me. We continued our conversation as we walked towards the front door of the building.

"Harley!" I turned around and saw Luke jogging towards me.

"Hi Luke." I greeted. "Are you headed up to see Grey?"

"I'm borrowing his Fender for tonight." Luke awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"Luke, you remember Cary?"

"Oh yeah, hey man. How's it going?" Luke said, waving.

"Hello again Luke..." Cary paused. "I should get going. See you Monday, Harley?"

"Absolutely. Please take it easy on the settlement on that hospital." I laughed as I said my goodbyes to Cary.

I waved to Cary as he made his way to his car. Before entering, Cary turned in my direction smiling one last time. I turn back to Luke, who stood awkwardly behind me. We made our way up to the apartment, indulging in conversation. Luke asked me about work and how my day went. I then asked the same in which he responded that he spent his day with his friend Michael. The bright red head from that morning. He then apologized for his friend's rudeness this morning which I gladly accepted.

I opened the door to the apartment for both Luke and I. The apartment smelt of body odor and cheap beer. I raised my blouse to my face, blocking the smell.


I walked around the apartment, my heels clicking against the hardwood floor. There was clothes on the ground, dishes everywhere and a musky smell that I wasn't familiar with. I groaned, bending over and picking up the clothes on the ground. I grumbled in anger and I did so. Luke offered to help as he grabbed a garbage bag to dump the pizza boxes and beer cans. Where in God's name could that little fuck be? I thought. Before I could think twice, the door of the bathroom opened. A light mist flowed out of the room as did Greyson and an unnamed stranger retreated from the bathroom. The two were both nearly nude, laughing at each other. I cleared my throat to get the two's attention. I crossed my arms and leaned my weight to one side of my body, the aura of annoyance was clearly radiating from my body.

"Hi Harlz. How was work?" Greyson laughed as he adjusted his towel.

"Don't Harlz me." I growled annoyed.

Greyson turned his body to the guy behind him who was giggling. He told him to get dressed in his room. The guy complied and strut to Greyson's room. As he did so, Greyson adverted his attention to a frenzied best friend. I dropped the pile of clothes on the ground, landing inches away from my toes. I pointed to the mess, raging about the cleanliness of our home.

"What the fuck Grey?" I scold.

"What? I thought we said when we moved here we could have people over and we wouldn't complain!" Greyson defended. "Like you can bring that cute lawyer over and fuck him sensless! I don't care! Why should it be any different if I bring a guy home? Does it still bother you that I'm gay? God I thought we got over this shit in high school.." Greyson kept talking, changing the subject.

"NO! That's not what this is about! It's the fact that we've been here a week and all you've done is party and spend your money that you've been saving up since you were fifteen on cheap beer! You promised me you would get a job so we could split the fucking rent but you haven't even looked once! I said I'd pay for the rent until you got a job and I will, but you're not putting any effort!" I erupt, clearing angered by the whole situation.

"I'VE SPENT MY WHOLE LIFE IN A BOX. I'm finatlly myself and you want me to just stop?! What the fuck? Why are you being a selfish bitch?" Greyson spat back.

"You think I'm mad because you're sleeping with a guy? And that you're gay?! I can't believe you think so low of me. I could not be happier that you're finally being yourself but holy shit Grey, I'm drowning here! Literally. Look at all this shit on the ground." I argued back, clearly offended.

While throwing around verbal insults, Greyson's towel nearly fell. His hands were flying, clearly passionate about this fight. Midway through our dispute, Luke cleared his throat. Getting both of our attentions, we turn towards him. He suggests that we take a breather and to think about our further actions.

"You know what? I need a break." I announced as I grabbed my purse and blazer before storming out of the apartment.

I make my way down the stairs and out the front doors of the building to the streets. I stroll down the street, taking out my phone. I type quickly, clearly still enraged by the earlier events.

To: Cary Abernathy Personal

Do you want to go for coffee?

From: Cary Abernathy Personal

Right now?

To: Cary Abernathy Personal

Yes please. Or an alcoholic drink. Whatever works.

From: Cary Abernathy Personal

Whatever works.

To: Cary Abernathy Personal

Meet me at Lou's on 14th?

From: Cary Abernathy Personal

I'll see you soon.

im sorry this is really late, i was in the hospital and i had an exam and im vv stressed but i saw hedley live so im not really complaining

kk thnx for reading

unedited again bcs im a piece of shit


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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