Oh no.. Not ano- A/N I'm so done with the a/ns XD

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Hey guys! That was the ending of Superhero Academy, there will be a part two, I'm doing one book at a time, just slowly crawling along, baby steps, you know? Baby steps. Also, Leopard is dead in part two, my colleague, Lanur, I think is now "YourWorstNightmare". I will be doing both, just Villain Academy part two after Superhero Academy Part Two. Um my new book is actually going to be Mystery, Fantasy, Fire Hazard, why this title isn't good reason: I couldn't think of one... -awkward silence- ANYWAYS see ya! I expect Part Two Superhero Academy to be out in like two months or something? If I work fast enough on my other book. Also, quick change of plans, Luna informed me after I made this chapter, she's going to try and do villain academy, baiiii.

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